Friday, November 9, 2012

Your Life is Waiting Just Around The Corner

What a difference a day makes.  I woke up in Vegas this morning, and was struck down by sadness, technically it started yesterday.  Yesterday morning I was ready to leave Sacramento, then by the afternoon when I was spending time with my Best Friend and my Mother the tears and sadness struck like lightning.

The sadness I felt made me desperate.  I felt desperate to stay, desperate to return to my old life, even desperate to be numb.  I have spent so much of my thirties just being apathetic and without desire, hope, and tough emotions, and this morning I almost gave into to my negative feelings.  I almost didn’t get out of bed today.

Obviously I got out of bed, I started my day by making my bed and some coffee, but my sadness still lingered.  I wanted to crawl back under the covers and cry, but I forced myself to get started.  I shuffled around my apartment without even a hint of a smile on my face, and without any joy in my heart, but I kept going. 

Eventually the frown turned started to turn, it hasn’t turned into a big smile as of yet, but I have faith that it will.  In difficult times it is important to remember to take life one step at a time.  Every step you take away from your past pain is a step that gets you closer to your future happiness, closer to achieving your potential, closer to The Universe.

I am not saying that it’s easier to move forward, sometimes it feels easier to just remain trapped in your present apathy or sadness, but that’s no way to live.  I know that my fears have so often been in control of my life, and the only way to get over that is to face my fears.  It’s scary to step out in faith, to move forward in the face of pain, but I Have to Believe that things are always changing and my Dreams are just around the corner waiting for me.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

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