Friday, November 30, 2012

Love Will Propel You to NEW HEIGHTS!!!

                Good Morning Universe!!!  I just climbed a mountain!!!  Really I did, it’s not a metaphor.  Technically it was more like incline hiking, then vertically climbing up the side of a mountain.  No matter what you call it, it was a HUGE deal for me.  It’s called Lone Mountain, and I made it All The Way to the TOP.

                I didn’t do it alone, I had the support and encouragement of friends.  They love to hike and climb, and made an outta shape newcomer like me, feel great.  I had to take a few breaks on the way up, but the view from the top was PERFECT.

                When we got started I didn’t believe I would make it all the way to the top, though my companions did.  I would like to give a special thanks to my little encouraging angel, Cory.  You really know how to inspire someone, and the belief you had in my ability came directly from your heart.

                When you believe in yourself, that’s pure Love.  When you believe in others, that’s pure Love.  I believe pure Love will change the world.  If a Big Girl like me can hike to the top of a mountain, ANYTHING is Possible.  You just have to believe. 

                Once you have belief (aka faith) in yourself, you can reach great heights.  Once you have reached the summit of your life, you can look around and help others do the same.  I am a little sore, but I CAN’T WAIT to do it all over again.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nurture Love and IT WILL GROW!!!

                Good Morning Universe!!!  I want to have MORE LOVE in my life.  Honestly, who doesn’t want more love, and since love is limitless having more LOVE is Completely possible. 

                The first step for me to be able to experience more Love is to Acknowledge all the Love and Blessings I have now.  When I look for Love that I already have, within me, and around me, I always find some.
                Occasionally it’s more difficult for me to see the Love that I am blessed with, but that’s normal, or at least I believe it is.  I am human after all, and humans are filled with All Sorts of different emotions.  Not all of our emotions are good, but they are all a blessing of humanity.

                The “blessing” of our emotions is that they teach us, they fill us with purpose, they make us individuals who also have a group consciousness.  Our emotions are what make us individuals, they give us purpose, and a desire for community.

                If we want to live a life filled with Love, we can’t deny the negative.  If we are in denial it is impossible to TRULY work through the Negative feelings and actions we experience.  Through acknowledging the Fearful and Negative things in our lives, we can LEARN to work through them and Grow from them.

                The best way to Work Through the Fear is to practice LOVE.  Yes, Love needs to be practiced.  It is only by practicing Love in times of Fear, Sadness, Jealousy, and other negative emotions that we can Grow in our capacity to Give and Receive LOVE.

                Let’s ALL work on Love Today.  Don’t put it off until tomorrow, you can start small.  Try a quick smile at yourself in the mirror.  Try saying something positive about yourself, at least once a day, and SAY IT OUT LOUD!!! 

                Once you’ve started with yourself, give that Love to others.  Try a quick smile to a stranger.  Try saying something Nice to a stranger, for no particular reason at all.  Try a random act of kindness and see what comes back to you.  I’m betting if you keep giving yourself and others LOVE, that’s EXACTLY what will Come Back To You.

To The Universe

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You are the MASTER of Love!!!

“The Universe revolves around LOVE, so look into yourself, and Become LOVE.”   -J Brady

                Let’s talk about how to use The Seven Keys of Elevate to grow in our Mastery of Love.  A great starting point is to Acknowledge your desire to love and be loved by others.  Surrender your need to make other people love you.  You can’t Make someone Love you, but you can give others reasons to Love you.  When you treat others with kindness, respect, and LOVE then you are providing the basis of Love. 

                When you believe that you deserve Love and the Love that you put out into The Universe will come back to you, that’s when GREAT THINGS happen.  You have the Free Will to choose how you treat others, and what type of treatment you will accept from others.  Your Will, if you believe in yourself, will help you accept Love from others and walk away from those who hurt you.

                You aren’t in complete control of The Universe and everyone in it, but you are in control of your choices.  You can choose to operate from LOVE, even if other people are unable to do the same.  You can choose to KNOW that everyone is a different point in their lives, and may not understand how to operate from LOVE. 

It is your job to be “the light” for others.   When you choose how you will treat others it’s important to come from a place of Love within yourself, not Fear.  When you interact with others based on Negativity or Fear it will often bring the same back to you. 

NOW, put that LOVE into action.  You need to spread the LOVE you feel with the world.  Your LOVE should be infectious, it should be Clearly Visible just by interacting with You.  When your actions are based on LOVE the World can SEE and FEEL IT. 

The more Love you put out into The Universe, the more LOVE will come back to you, and enable you to spread even MORE LOVE to others.  LOVE IS NOT A LIMITED RESOURCE!!!

To The Universe

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Feed your Soul with LOVE

Love one another and you will be happy.  It's as simple and as difficult as that.  ~Michael Leunig

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.  ~Robert Heinlein

                As you may have noticed, I am working with a theme this week.  I’ll give you a hint, if you can Master “this” your life will never be lacking.  Of course I am referring to LOVE!!!

                Love is necessary component of life.  Human beings can accomplish GREAT THINGS when they learn to operate from a place within them that is FILLED WITH LOVE.

                Love makes us happy, Love makes us productive, Love makes us excited to get up in the morning.  I am not solely referring to intimate love, though that type of Love is necessary and wonderful.  I am referring to love for yourself, love for other people, and love for our world and the things within our world.

                When your heart is filled with LOVE, you will NEVER be lacking.  It’s such an easy thing to say, though I will admit learning to Truly Love can be difficult.  But you know what they say, anything REALLY worth having is worth working for.

                One of the first steps to bringing more love into your life is gratitude.  When we are grateful for the things we have and the things that are still in our future, we can fill our souls with LOVE.  When we are grateful for who we are, that’s when we can truly Love ourselves.  Once we Love ourselves we can share that Love with others.

Love can’t grow in a place of lack, just like plants can’t grow without sunshine and water.  We need to learn to “feed” our souls with Love.  It takes practice because most of our lives we are trying to be deserving of Love, or trying to MAKE LOVE happen.  Love doesn’t have to be “Made,” it already exists inside us, and around us, we only have to learn to let it flow through us.
To The Universe

LOVE Brandy

Monday, November 26, 2012

Love is Abundant!!!

“There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer….
No door that enough love will not open
No gulf that enough love will not bridge,
No wall that enough love will not throw down….
It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble,
How great the mistake,
Sufficient realization of love will resolve it all.
If only you could love enough,
You would be the happiest and most powerful being in the universe.”
- Emmet Fox

     Good Morning Universe, do you have enough Love?  The answer to that question is, YES.  The Universe is filled with Love.  Love is an unlimited resource.  The Universe doesn’t judge who gets to give and receive Love, because the Universe is overflowing with it.
     We don’t need to be stingy with Love for ourselves and Love for others, because Love is forever, Love is Unlimited, and Love is exceptionally powerful.  The amount Love available is only limited by the individual looking to give or receive Love.
     So often we think that we must “reserve” Love, like it’s water during a drought.  We often feel that if we give too much Love away to others, we will somehow not have enough Love for ourselves.  This limiting belief will only keep us lacking Love.
     When we give Love freely to others, we can experience an even deeper Love for ourselves.  When we operate and function in our daily lives from a place of Love within ourselves, The World Can Change.  When we stop believing we must somehow prove we are deserving of Love, then we can truly grow, and share in the Abundant Love in the Universe.
     What kinds of limiting beliefs do you have, that keep you from unlimited LOVE?  Do you believe you deserve Love?  Do you believe others deserve Love?   What choices and interactions can you be part of NOW, to express Love for yourself and others?  Search these questions within yourself to help you start bringing LOVE into your life. 
To The Universe

Friday, November 23, 2012

Commit to Work

            The Universe wants us to live a life filled with positivity, but will put up road blocks to ensure you are willing to put in the work.  The Universe isn’t going to give us everything we want unless we are willing to commit and put in the work.  Yes, we deserve happiness, but The Universe knows that people often don’t appreciate or truly enjoy things that come to easily.

                The Universe doesn’t want us to be lazy, because as I’ve said before being lazy and apathetic is not TRULY living.  The Universe doesn’t want us to just exist, it want us to THRIVE.  I simply EXISTED for years before I started on a path to find out what the Universe had for me.

                Most of the mistakes I’ve made in my life, like drugs, jail, dysfunctional relationships (the list goes on) were simply because I didn’t want to put in the effort.  I didn’t want to give up what seemed easy to me.  I surrounded myself with people who didn’t treat me the way I wanted to be treated because I didn’t have the courage or self-esteem to go out into the world alone.

                If we settle for circumstances that we believe we have no control over, it’s the first step in setting aside the dreams and desires we have for the future.  If we want to be happy and Live in Love, we must not settle.  We must stop simply Existing and step out in faith.  When we step forward into our future and BELIEVE in it, the Universe will guide us to a life that we could only dream of before.

 To The Universe

 Love Brandy

Thursday, November 22, 2012


    Yummy!!!  Today is the day that belts all across the country will be stretched in appreciation of deliciousness.  In anticipation I will not be wearing a belt, or ANYTHING too tight.  LOL.

     I was up before dawn, I am not sure if it’s because I am really anticipating our Thanksgiving celebration or if my body just had enough sleep.  Either way, I am still filled with Happiness, Excitement, Love, and Gratitude.

     I want to take a moment to send best wishes and blessings to those people who are struggling at this time of year.  Today I am SO FILLED with Happiness and Gratitude, but that was not always the case.  I TOO, have spent holidays wallowing in sadness and unable to see a bright future for myself. 

     I give THANKS today that I have come through the dark part of my life.  I give THANKS today that I have family and friends to celebrate with.  I give THANKS today for all the people who will find their way to happiness in the upcoming year.  I give ENCOURAGEMENT to those people who are lost, and say to you, Never Give Up, Find Something Special, find something to Give Thanks for TODAY.

     Let us remember that we are ALL part of the Human Family.  Let us give thanks for the people and experiences we have been given in our lives, no matter how BIG or small.  Be Kind, Be Happy, Be Grateful, and BE LOVE!!!

Happy Thanksgiving
To The Universe

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Family and Friends MAKE our LIVES

Good  Morning All!!!  Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving, and of course I’m sure everyone already knows that, but I’m too excited to keep it inside.

This will be the first Thanksgiving I spend away from my Mother, that makes me sad, but I accept it.  My mother is ALWAYS with me, wherever I am.  This year I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with my father, his fiancé, and their family and friends in Vegas.

This will also be the first Thanksgiving I spend with my Father, at least that I can remember.  It’s a little bit of a trade-off, I’ll miss my mother and family in Sacramento but I am so grateful to be able to celebrate with family and friends in my new town.

To my Mother Denise, You Are ALWAYS with me.  I am eternally grateful, because I have you as my mother.  You have always made the Holidays special.  You are filled with Love and Kindness and the rest of the world would benefit if more people were filled with the same qualities ALL YEAR ROUND.  I Love you more than Anything or Anyone.

To my family, We have been through a lot, but I am grateful to have been blessed with you as well.  Sometimes we are inseparable, sometimes we drift apart, sometimes we fight, but we are always connected in LOVE.  You can change your friends, but your family is forever.

To my Best Friend Jason, You are family and my Best Friend.  How lucky does that make me?  You have stuck by me through Good and Bad.  When I am not around you, I often feel like I am missing a part of myself.  You are One in a Million and my Love for you is Endless.

To my friends, you may be small in number, but you are with me forever.  It is not the number of friends a person has that matters.  What matters is how close they are to your heart.  What matters is that you know your true friends share a deep love and respect with you.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Take a Minute...OR MORE!!!

Generally I am not an angry person, but this morning I WAS PISSED.  I have a new computer with Windows 8, and I’m not shy about saying it, I HATE IT.  Anyone who knows me, knows I am not tech savy.  I enjoy using computers and the internet, if I already know what I’m doing.  Learning new technologies and programs is something I don’t enjoy, at all.

I am not deficient in how much patience I possess, though occasionally I get so frustrated I explode.  Exploding frustration, from anyone, is not a good thing.  When you allow yourself to become so overwhelmed with negative emotions and fears, it can be toxic. 

Earlier today that’s just what happened to me, I allowed my frustration over the computer to become toxic.  I became very angry, and kinda wanted to punch the wall, though I didn’t thankfully.

Common sense would dictate that when you feel your frustration rising, you should step back from the task at hand to calm down.  The problem is I often think that I am so close to solving the issue that I don’t want to quit, because I think when I finally solve the issue at hand it will fill me with pride and good feelings.

WRONG, it’s only after the fact that I realize it’s “my pride” that is keeping me connected to my frustration.  I look back at this morning and feel a little ashamed, but mostly sad, that I put myself through such emotional turmoil.  It’s only a computer, it’s not a person, it’s not working against me, and it doesn’t get any satisfaction when I get mad and “Yell at it.”

I know I’ll have to face me new computer system again soon, but I realize I need to find tools to assist me.  I will reach out to others, who may have some insight on this new system.  I will look for videos on the internet about how this new system works.  I will STOP if I begin to feel frustrated, I won’t give up, but “taking a break” is better than “breaking something.”

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Friday, November 16, 2012

What you put in You Get OUT

Let’s talk about baking…Got your attention with that one.  When I was young every year my Mother and Great Grandmother, while she was still alive, would bake for the Holiday Season.  It is one of my favorite memories of the holidays, besides presents of course.  All kids LOVE Presents.

We could spend all weekend prepping, baking, and DECORATING cookies and all sorts of other goodies.  It was a task, but it was wonderful, and everything was always perfect.

I didn’t realize it then, but our baked goods ALWAYS ended up perfect.  They weren’t perfect to me just because I was young and LOVED SUGAR, but because it was an event, and it was surrounded with feelings of Family and Love.

We worked as family and it was a tradition.  What we made was more than just cookies, we made memories, we strengthened our familial bonds, we HAD FUN.  It didn’t matter to me that I lived in a trailer park, and we were poor.  My mother ALWAYS made sure my Holidays were SPECIAL.

I don’t know how she did it, but I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.  I didn’t have “the Brady Bunch” childhood, but I had Love.  Our family traditions were packed with Love, and because that’s what we put in, That’s What We Got Out. 

What are the ingredients you can “put in” your life to bring about Happiness, Love, and Gratitude.  What are the ingredients you can share with the Universe to bring Happiness, Love, and Gratitude to others. 

To The Universe, Happy Holidays

Love Brandy

Thursday, November 15, 2012


"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard, author

I have decided that I am closer today to realizing what it means to “Let Go” of my past, present, and future.  When I used to think of “letting go” I thought about forgetting, not having control of the outcome, or just plain apathy.  I never stopped to wonder why “letting go” felt unreachable, maybe because I was never able to let go of painful emotions and memories.

I had an intense desire to “let go” of my pain, my bad memories, and my past mistakes.  I never stopped to wonder why my desire to “let go” just made me feel worse.  I felt like I was damaged and abnormal, I thought that I held onto things more than other people around me.  I think it’s normal to “let go” of things, keep the good and learn from the bad.  Let go of what’s holding you back, and let go of total control of your future.

Those feelings were just my way of putting myself down, and when I did that it was easier for me to stop trying.  I didn’t want to change the path of my life, I was afraid.  I was afraid of failure, but even worse I was afraid of hope.  I didn’t want to envision a positive future, for fear that I would be let down when it didn’t come to pass.

When I stopped caring about my future out of fear I wasn’t “letting go” of my future, I was denying it.  I feel that “letting go” means that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.  When you “let go” of total control and start paying attention to where “the Universe” is trying to guide you, that’s when greatness happens. 

What can you “Let Go” of that will help you move forward?  Can you “let go” and ask for guidance.  Can you “let go” and enjoy today for what it’s worth.  What does “letting go” mean to you?  Can you “let go” of your past and negativity in order to build the future of your dreams?  Can you “Let Go” of the vision of your future in order to hear the whispers of The Universe?

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Practice Patience

Patience is a skill and like with any skill, it needs to be practiced.  I have often thought that I was a patient person, though I believe that I have mistaken my lack of desire for patience.  I possess the ability to be patient on the outside, though my mind is often overtaken with anxiety.

I have mentioned on numerous occasions that I have been stricken with doubt and anxiety, these feelings are not something that coincides with patience.  If I truly had the skill of patience, I would be able to soothe my fears and keep negativity at bay.  If I truly had mastered the skill of patience I would not be preoccupied with thoughts of “what may be”, but I would be able to think about what is.

Living in the present, living with purpose, living today in order to make your tomorrow’s better is what I believe takes patience.  In today’s world we are so often given answers quickly.  If we have a problem with our television or internet, there is a call center technician available to help us almost immediately.  If we are bored we can find instant entertainment with television and the internet.  If we are lonely we can call our friends and family.  If we are hungry we go to a fast food drive thru.  Everything in our society is trying to be faster, because most people lack patience.  We want it all, and we want it immediately.

I am learning to be patient, I need to practice, I know that the decisions and actions I make today will shape my future.  If I have patience I will be able to wait for my dreams to become a reality.  I can’t force The Universe to work on my timeframe.  The only thing I can do is continue to work for the future and practice patience.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

If you Believe It, It Will Be

“The truth is that we co-create our experience CONSTANTLY, as you believe, so will you perceive.”  Dave Elliott

How often does how we see our lives come true, I am pretty sure it’s Almost Always.  If we think our lives are sad, impoverished, loveless, and desperate, that’s what we will see.  When we believe our lives are filled with negative people and emotions, that’s exactly what we will see and attract.

If you can look at your life as a gift, even the bad stuff, then you will begin to see the greatness of your life.  It won’t matter how much you have, you will always feel happy and blessed.  When you look for the bad in your life, you are sure to find it.  Everyone has “bad” in their lives, it’s what we do with the “bad” stuff that will set our course.

Are we going to grow from the negative, do we learn from our mistakes, are we grateful?  These are questions everyone should take the time to think about.  If you can honestly answer “Yes” to those questions, then you are on a path to believing, perceiving, and living a Great Life.

It is up to us what steps we take, what decisions we make, what steps we are willing to take to create the lives we dream of.  It is also up to us how we see ourselves NOW.  If you see yourself surrounded by negativity it will drown you, and it will be that much more difficult to bring happiness into your life.  If you work towards seeing positivity in your life, it will lift you up and make it that much easier to have more of the same greatness come your way.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, November 9, 2012

Your Life is Waiting Just Around The Corner

What a difference a day makes.  I woke up in Vegas this morning, and was struck down by sadness, technically it started yesterday.  Yesterday morning I was ready to leave Sacramento, then by the afternoon when I was spending time with my Best Friend and my Mother the tears and sadness struck like lightning.

The sadness I felt made me desperate.  I felt desperate to stay, desperate to return to my old life, even desperate to be numb.  I have spent so much of my thirties just being apathetic and without desire, hope, and tough emotions, and this morning I almost gave into to my negative feelings.  I almost didn’t get out of bed today.

Obviously I got out of bed, I started my day by making my bed and some coffee, but my sadness still lingered.  I wanted to crawl back under the covers and cry, but I forced myself to get started.  I shuffled around my apartment without even a hint of a smile on my face, and without any joy in my heart, but I kept going. 

Eventually the frown turned started to turn, it hasn’t turned into a big smile as of yet, but I have faith that it will.  In difficult times it is important to remember to take life one step at a time.  Every step you take away from your past pain is a step that gets you closer to your future happiness, closer to achieving your potential, closer to The Universe.

I am not saying that it’s easier to move forward, sometimes it feels easier to just remain trapped in your present apathy or sadness, but that’s no way to live.  I know that my fears have so often been in control of my life, and the only way to get over that is to face my fears.  It’s scary to step out in faith, to move forward in the face of pain, but I Have to Believe that things are always changing and my Dreams are just around the corner waiting for me.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Thursday, November 8, 2012

WORTH Working For

Today’s the day, it’s time to go back to my new life.  As of this moment I can say that I am ready, I am stronger, and I think I may actually be kinda looking forward to getting back to Vegas.  Wow that’s a HUGE statement, because earlier this week I was desperate not to have to leave Sacramento, and now that desperation has faded.  Don’t get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to remain here in Sac with my mother and best friend where things are safe and familiar, but that isn’t going to happen.

I made a commitment to my family that I would try to build a life in Vegas, one that is independent of my past mistakes and influences.  If you would have told me earlier this week that I would experience anything other than fear, sadness, and apprehension about leaving Sacramento, I would have called you CRAZY.

I guess CRAZY is just what I am.  Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely sad to be leaving and filled with anxiety about how my path will unfold in a place that is still Very New to me.  Thankfully I have been filled with a newfound strength.  I am beginning to envision ideas and actions that will make my integration into what is to become my second home much more fun.

One thing that has made my return to Vegas easier is my resolution to REALLY build a social circle in my new home.  I have recently mentioned that I have been sad, lonely, anxious, and unhappy.  (though it’s only recently that I’ve stopped pretending everything was OK, and began to admit to others how I feel)  Those feelings are still present, but they have been joined by Hope, Belief, Acceptance, and Love.

Hope in what makes it possible for me to Believe that I can change how I perceive and create my life.  I have accepted that my path is influenced by others, just as much as by myself.  I accept that my family doesn’t want me to give up on creating a new life, though may seem too difficult to bear.  I Accept that I can’t create my life alone.  I need support from my family and friends and guidance from The Universe.

Finally I must have Love.  I must constantly work on loving myself in order to love others.  I must constantly work to evaluate the inner workings of my mind to ensure I am operating from a place of Love, not Fear.  I admit Love has been hard for me in the past, but I am beginning to feel that anything Worth having is Worth working for. 

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Exercise Communication and Control (Easier Said Than Done)

This morning I feel that my communication skills need help.  I am being held back by my fears, fears of being hurt.  My whole life I have been careful what deep feelings I share with others, especially when those feelings are in regards to the person I am speaking with.

The problem I am having is that I can’t have the life and the treatment I expect from others if I can’t express myself.  Then again my fear is crippling me.  I have such a problem taking criticism without getting hurt, and the closer a person is to me the easier it is for me to be hurt.

I know that I am the only one in control of my feelings, but I am searching for how to best exercise that control.  I know that as with any exercise, it takes practice.  Often I think that I would rather sit and sweat in a sauna for days, then exercise my feelings. 

My feelings have ALWAYS been in control me, not me in control of my feelings.  People may think I can control my feelings, but that is simply because I have learned not to share too much.

I don’t have any deep insights at this point, what I do know is that I am asking the Universe for help.  I need to be guided to a more independent sense of being.  I need to be guided to better self-esteem and courage.  I need to be guided away from fear and anxiety.  I know it’s possible to be in better control of my feelings and reactions, I just need the courage to keep plugging away.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

FRUSTRATION....We All Get It!!!

Ugh….This morning is not going my way and it’s pissing me off.  WOW, that felt so good to say out loud.  In recent months my circumstances have led me to feel the need to conceal my feelings if they aren’t positive.  I have been living in a new city and living with family members I’m not that comfortable around, yet.  But I’m telling you, it’s important not to keep negativity bundled up inside.

I have kept a lot of things to myself recently, that I really should have been sharing.  What happens when I keep everything to myself isn’t pretty.  I get sad, mad, angry, and unable to communicate efficiently.  I have spent a large portion of my life pretending.  I pretend I’m the happy one, I pretend I’m not bothered, I pretend I don’t want emotional support.

Pretending has brought me nothing but more distress.  I have been so worried how other people may react to my emotional needs, and so afraid of negative words and rejection, I have become a “slave” to my emotions.  I have let my emotions take control of my happiness.  I am So Done with that.

I have been trying to load all my blogs into a different format, and with photos, for the past couple days.  I have reformatted them so they all look alike, and this morning when I was determined to upload ALL my blogs, my internet is not cooperating.  I’m upset, I’m frustrated, and I kinda feel like giving up.  But there’s a lot of power in admitting ALL your emotions, even the bad.

Once I admitted how frustrated I am with my computer, the internet, and trying to learn new programs, I was able to step back and say “STOP.”  Stop working on what your doing, NOW, before your frustration makes you completely useless and ruins your entire day.

Now, that I gave myself permission to “STOP”, my frustration and emotions are calming.  I don’t feel like I am losing control, I feel calm, and happy.  I have to allow myself these moments of negativity, if I deny that I feel these things I will NEVER learn how to control them.  I must embrace ALL my emotions, my emotions Are Me, and I am Happy with Me.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Universe has MOVED ME

Today The Universe wasn’t simply “guiding” me, or “nudging” me towards my path, it physically “MOVED” me!!!  When I say “moved,” I am not referring to movements which other people can see, I was “moved” in my Spirit, in my Soul, and in my Mind.

You probably want to know what it is that has “moved” me so deeply and for this I need to give you a little backstory.  I will try to keep it “short” and “sweet”.

I have always known that graduating college was something I wanted.  In high school I wanted to be a doctor, but soon decided that Nursing was more suited to my timeframe and budget.  Sadly, because of my past history with drug abuse and an arrest I am unable to become a Registered Nurse.

I have always wanted to be in the medical field and decided to become a Drug and Alcohol counselor.  My local Community College offered an Associate’s Degree program in this field, and this was my educational goal earlier this year.  I was then struck ill with pneumonia in April and my school status was into question.

The Universe was about to “change” my goal into something BIGGER, but before the clarity I received today I would have to step out in FAITH.  I have done what was required of me, I have been able to quiet my mind and be guided by The Universe. 

I have persevered through the doubt and anxiety that comes with big life changes.  Now I am being rewarded with the most “positive” and “definite” feeling that completing my college degree is not only possible, but WILL HAPPEN.

I am now blessed with the knowledge that getting back in to school is something I not only want, but something I need.  Though today I realized that I don’t just want an AA degree, I want my Master’s Degree and IT IS within my grasp. 

I can SEE myself walking across a stage and receiving my college degree and I can FEEL how wonderful and fulfilling it will be.  I KNOW that getting back in school will bring me a sense of peace, direction, and happiness that I have recently been lacking.  I haven’t been this sure about my future in a long time, and it FEELS GREAT.

To The Universe

Love Brandy