Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Take a Minute...OR MORE!!!

Generally I am not an angry person, but this morning I WAS PISSED.  I have a new computer with Windows 8, and I’m not shy about saying it, I HATE IT.  Anyone who knows me, knows I am not tech savy.  I enjoy using computers and the internet, if I already know what I’m doing.  Learning new technologies and programs is something I don’t enjoy, at all.

I am not deficient in how much patience I possess, though occasionally I get so frustrated I explode.  Exploding frustration, from anyone, is not a good thing.  When you allow yourself to become so overwhelmed with negative emotions and fears, it can be toxic. 

Earlier today that’s just what happened to me, I allowed my frustration over the computer to become toxic.  I became very angry, and kinda wanted to punch the wall, though I didn’t thankfully.

Common sense would dictate that when you feel your frustration rising, you should step back from the task at hand to calm down.  The problem is I often think that I am so close to solving the issue that I don’t want to quit, because I think when I finally solve the issue at hand it will fill me with pride and good feelings.

WRONG, it’s only after the fact that I realize it’s “my pride” that is keeping me connected to my frustration.  I look back at this morning and feel a little ashamed, but mostly sad, that I put myself through such emotional turmoil.  It’s only a computer, it’s not a person, it’s not working against me, and it doesn’t get any satisfaction when I get mad and “Yell at it.”

I know I’ll have to face me new computer system again soon, but I realize I need to find tools to assist me.  I will reach out to others, who may have some insight on this new system.  I will look for videos on the internet about how this new system works.  I will STOP if I begin to feel frustrated, I won’t give up, but “taking a break” is better than “breaking something.”

To The Universe

Love Brandy

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