Friday, June 28, 2013

I got a message from The Universe...In My Email!!!

 “It was perhaps one of your greatest acts of love, Brandy.  Choosing to be alive at a time when so many live so deeply in the dark.  And already things are looking brighter.”  --The Universe

                Good Morning Universe, thanks for the inspiration.  I REALLY do get messages from the The Universe on a regular basis.  It’s a regular inspiration message send by, but it comes into my inbox from and signed by The Universe.  How cool is that?

                The message I received this morning touched me because it reminded me just how far I have come.  As many of you know I spent YEARS in the darkness.  The darkness in my life started small when I was much younger.  My life was overshadowed by low self-esteem and this lack of LOVE for myself developed into negative behaviors and unhappiness,  which would plague me most of my adult life.

                My low self-esteem and inability to truly LOVE myself led to physical self-harm then addiction.  My addiction led to the loss of my job, my indepence, my freedom, and the loss of the last bit of Self Love I had at the time.  I began living in darkness.

                Then a MIRACLE happened, I chose LOVE.  I chose to work for a better life instead of dwelling in the swamp of negativity my life had become.  Once I chose LOVE I thought everything would be easy, it wasn’t.  It was better, and would continue to be better every day.  The only thing I had to do was take the first step, not look back, and focus on Loving myself, my Life, and the people, places, and things I have around me.

                Two of the greatest tools I have used to keep myself on a positive path have been GRATITUDE and LOVE.  When you are grateful for who you are, what you have, and the path you are walking it is much easier to LIVE IN POSITIVITY.  When you operate from LOVE, from that place inside you that feels warm and kind, then your thoughts, emotions, and actions always guide you to a better place.

                It’s only when we stop listening to our heart that we are in danger or living in the dark.  What can you do today to bring more light and love into your heart.  Are you ready to LIVE in LOVE and STOP Dwelling in Darkness.  Make a choice to see where the path of LOVE and LIGHT leads you.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Let The Tough Times Spur GROWTH!!!

"Tough times never last, but tough people do."    Robert H. Schuller

               This quote is so short in length, but it’s genius is enormous.  It calls to mind the tough times I have experienced in my life like depression, low self-esteem, and drugs just to name a few.

               I would describe my past as tough, though I am not blaming my mistakes on my “tough” past.  I wouldn’t say that I used to describe life as fair.  In fact, I spent a lot of my time looking at other people’s lives and how I thought they had it “easy”.

               By focusing all my attention on other people’s “easy” lives, or at least how I saw other’s lives, I didn’t have to look at my own.  It wasn’t that I was ashamed of everything I did, but I didn’t have the strength to make the changes I wanted.  I wanted life to change for me, not for me to change for life.

               If something good happened I didn’t rejoice, I usually thought it was an anomaly.  If something bad happened or I was going through a tough time, I thought I was being punished unfairly.  I never truly stopped to think that I could grow from the tough times, I just felt self-pity.

               Today it’s easier to look at my past mistakes and the tough situations I have gone through without blame, guilt, and pity.  I am not perfect.  At times blame, guilt, and pity still sneak into my thoughts.  Though today I know I can take those thoughts captive and work on changing them into positivity and love.  It takes work to change inside and out, but it’s worth it.

               I am tougher then I knew I was, but am tender as well.  It’s a balance between being tough and being tender that I feel will benefit me most.  It’s a balancing act that I KNOW I can do.  Who knows, I heard “balancing” on a tightrope can be exciting.  Life is my circus and I’m ready for it.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Human Experience

            Today I was reminded how beautiful life is, and I am truly thankful for that.  The beauty in life is so simple and so natural, maybe that’s part of the reason that people stop seeing the beauty around them every day.

                So often we are bogged down with problems, stress, disappointment, and expectations that we forget to be thankful.  People can forget to be thankful for the simple beauty of life and for the human experience.

            The human experience isn’t meant to be perfect, but deep down it’s perfectly simple.  We as humans are given the gift of life, not just existence, but life and higher consciousness.  We experience emotions that other creatures in the natural world will never be a part of.  These emotions that we are blessed to have access to are the basis of our lives.

             Many times when we are experiencing painful emotions it’s difficult to be thankful for the experience that we are given.  Though when we come through the pain, the happiness and beauty of life is even sweeter.  It is only because we are aware that pain and negativity is out there, that we can truly appreciate beauty and happiness.

            When we realize that every emotion and experience we have is important.  It is then that we can influence our lives with the choices we make.  We can choose to be stuck in pain, or choose to try and see beauty.  We can choose to accept that negativity is part of our world, but we don’t have to let negativity be part of ourselves.

                 We can choose to forgive ourselves and others for our imperfections.  When we choose to have as much good in our lives as we can, it’s then that we are choosing a Great Life.  What kind of choices can you make today to start Your Great Life.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Honesty Can Be Hurtful…Use It Responsibly!!

                Good Morning Universe, let’s talk about honesty.  I grew up hearing that “Honesty is The Best Policy” and that is generally true.  The problem we face these days is when does honesty cross the line and become hurtful.

                Everyone needs to share.  We shouldn’t hold in our fears, anger, anxiety or other negative emotions because they can poison us.  The problem is we can’t say everything that comes to our minds, it’s inappropriate, unhealthy, and selfish.

               So how do we know when honesty is best?  Well, if you are saying what is honestly in your head but your heart feels wrong.  Don’t Say it.  When it comes to sharing negative things about other people you should be filtering those things through Your Head and Your Heart.

                Another thing to remember is when you share what you are feeling and experiencing consider whether or not you are trying to elicit a specific reaction from who you are sharing with.  For example, if you are angry with someone and you share your thoughts with them simply to make them feel bad or hurt…EVEN IF IT’S TRUE it’s usually inappropriate.

                You shouldn’t be sharing with another person in order to hurt them.  You should be sharing in order to grow or heal.  Be aware that once you share something it isn’t up to you how the other person will react.  You are only in control of yourself, what other people feel and do is entirely up to them.

                Don’t let your feelings build up inside, just work on finding the appropriate time and words to share how you feel.  Honesty is the best policy, and we should be “telling the truth.”  But we should be examining our motives behind how and why we are sharing.
                It’s not brain surgery.  If we are paying attention and not working from our ego, we will know deep inside if what are sharing is coming from a “good place” or a “bad place.”

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I Appreciate All Types of Weather!!!

                    How many times do people say things like, “I feel down, I think it’s the weather.”  I know that many times “Good Weather” can bring a smile to my face, though I wonder why bad weather often makes people gloomy.

            It has been very Hot and Dry lately, and I miss the milder temperatures that beckoned me outside daily.  Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the way any sunny day can Elevate my mood.  But I do miss the warmth and beauty of Nice MILD sunny Day.

            I think I am finally able to appreciate all types of weather, because I find beauty in it.  Like the ups and downs of life, the “good” and “bad” weather is beautiful if you are able to view it in the proper context.

            If it never rained, how would we grow food?  If it was always sunny, how could we be witness to the amazing cloud formations that the sky creates?  If it was never “too hot” or “too cold”, how could we appreciate the perfect temperature?

            Just like in nature, it is the opposites of life that make appreciation possible.  I don’t want to live in a perfect world, with perfect people, and perfect weather.  Perfect is nice, but if that’s all there is then boredom would soon set in.

            If people worked as hard to see the positive as they do at dwelling on the negative, then we would have a revolution.  A revolution that could inspire beauty, kindness, greatness, and compassion.

            I want to live in a “perfect” world, but my “perfect” world would be where everyone can see the Bad as just another way to increase their perception of the Good.  We could see that darkness isn’t Bad, it’s just waiting to be LIT UP.

            How can you Light Up your world?  Can you look at life from a different perspective and truly appreciate it?  Can you see the “harsh weather” as just another example of the greatness of Mother Nature?

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, June 17, 2013

Great Change Doesn’t Always Have To Start Big!!!

Sometimes people are waiting for “the big moment” or epiphany to start a change.  One day you can wake up and realize that things are different, your life is different, YOU ARE DIFFERENT.  Often times change can be so gradual you can’t pinpoint it.
I have been trying to pinpoint when I started truly feeling happy, and not just believing happiness would be mine.  I can’t remember a specific day, week, or even month when I was sure that my happiness was more than just belief.

The first step to change is desire, then belief, then action, and perseverance.  All of a sudden you look back and realize not only is your life different, BUT YOU ARE DIFFERENT.  It works both ways, with positive changes and negative changes. 

I have had experience with the “positive changes” and the “negative changes.”  When I became addicted to drugs, I didn’t just WAKE UP like that.  It was gradual, I knew I was taking chances using drugs but I told myself I was stronger and smarter than that.  I was wrong.

When I quit using drugs I didn’t just wake up and everything was great because I was sober.  My road to sobriety and ultimately to happiness was long and difficult.  When I was using drugs, I didn’t want to be an addict.  I was afraid, I was ashamed, I was unhappy, I felt unworthy and unloved….That is a lot of negativity to face sober.

Today I am SO VERY BLESSED.  My life isn’t perfect and I’m not always happy and chipper, but I feel different deep down inside.  I don’t dwell in the bad stuff.  Negativity, Anxiety, and Fear come to visit me sometimes, but I DON’T LET THEM STICK AROUND.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, June 14, 2013

Don’t Let Your Reasons Become Excuses!!!

                Good Morning Universe.  Let’s talk about the dreaded “E” word.  Ok…no one actually refers to “Excuses” as the dreaded “E” word, but maybe they should.  So often in my life I have felt that I had valid reasons to think, choose, and act in a specific way.  I had specific reasons for my behavior.
                The problem I realize today is that All Too Often what I thought was a perfectly good reason to think or act a specific way, led to a perfectly good excuse.
                Webster’s Dictionary defines reason as “a statement offered in explanation or justification,” or “the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways.”  It also includes “a rational ground or motive” as another definition.  These definitions are just a few examples of the proper context of the word reason.
                I am not one to argue with the Dictionary as to the proper meaning of a word, but I would like to put the first definition into the context of personal growth.  When you include justification into your reasoning it is the first step to “making excuses.”
                People explain themselves, their choices, and their actions every day, and it’s often a part of healthy communication with others.  So how can we stop making our reasons into our excuses?  How can we even be sure that our words and actions are based in reasons and not excuses?
                The biggest indicator that you are no longer explaining your reasons and have moved into making excuses, is how you feel?  When you are giving valid reasons for your thoughts and actions you aren’t going to feel guilty.
                When you start to make excuses there is usually a little voice inside your head telling you that you have to lie, embellish, or omit something important.  Often times when we make excuses the little voice inside our head is feeling guilty, or just a little off.
                 Come on people it’s not brain surgery.  If it feels wrong, if it feels deceptive, if it feels negative then we are probably on the wrong path.  Start listening to that little voice in your head, start listening to your intuition, start listening to your heart.  If we are really listening we will know when our reasons have become excuses.
To The Universe

Love Brandy

Thursday, June 13, 2013

It Takes Work to be at The Top!!!

                Good Morning Universe, let’s talk sports.  Yes, I said sports.  I am not going to be discussing any particular sport.   I want to discuss what people who play sports already know, and that is “it takes work to be at the top of your game.”

                I am not talking about just professional athletes.  I am talking about anyone with a passion to play…The weekend warrior, The Softball or Basketball League Players, The Tennis or Golf enthusiast.

                Anyone who has a love for playing a sport or participating in anything athletic usually wants to be their best.  To achieve their personal best people have to practice, they have to put in The Work.

                Even people who are “born athletes” or are blessed with what the average person might consider unnatural skill” have to practice.  What I think most Athletes and Active people have in common is the desire to perform at their best.

                Just like with athletes we need to practice, practice positivity and if necessary a change in our perspective.  We need to work-out our minds.  We need to practice putting things around us in the proper perspective.

                Often times what people are most bothered by in their own lives can be changed by changing their perspective.  What people think about themselves, other people, and even their own lives are usually be reinforced by what they “see.”

                If you think your life is crappy then that is how you will see everything.  If you think your life is filled with possibility then that is what you will see.  If you work to find joy every day (no matter how big or small) then that is what you will find.

                 Changing our old patterns of thinking from “seeing the negative” to “Seeing The Positive” will take practice and effort, but IT IS WORTH IT.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is Your Life A Miracle? YES IT IS!!!

“There are two ways to live: You can live as if nothing is a miracle; or, you can live as if everything is a miracle.”  -Albert Einstein

                Good Morning Universe.  I have heard this quote by Einstein many times in my life, but recently it has been popping up everywhere.  Whenever I read a blog or check out an inspirational site or video this quote keeps coming back to me.  So I guess it means I should be focusing on Einstein for inspiration!!!!

                When I was younger I didn’t like the word, “miracle.”  I always put a religious spin on
“miracles” and since I wasn’t a religious or spiritual person I didn’t like the connotation associated with the word.

                As I have gotten older I am still not a religious person, though I appreciate and accept the value other people put into their religious practices and beliefs.  Today I would say that I am spiritual, though my exact definition of spirituality is still evolving.

                What I do know is that when I started believing that Miracles happen every day is when I started to experience Love and Happiness.  The miracles I believe happen every day are usually small and often overlooked, even by myself. 

                When I wake up every day, it’s a miracle.  When I smile and laugh, it’s a miracle.  When the sun shines through the clouds and lights up the mountains outside my window, it’s a miracle.  When I CHOOSE to smile and live in love instead of dwelling in negativity and sadness, it’s a miracle. 

                Some of these miracles are created by nature.  Some of these miracles are created by others.  Some of these miracles are created by me.  The common thread is that when I look for and appreciate the things in my life, the miracles around me, I AM HAPPIER.

                What Miracles are around you today?  What is one thing no matter how BIG or how SMALL you can view as one of life’s miracles?  What can you do today to see YOUR LIFE as a MIRACLE?

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Monday, June 10, 2013

Practice Patience!!!

                Patience is a skill and like with any skill, it needs to be practiced.  I have often thought that I was a patient person, though I believe that I have mistaken my lack of desire for patience.  I possess the ability to be patient on the outside, though my mind is often overtaken with anxiety.

                I have mentioned on numerous occasions that I have been stricken with doubt and anxiety.  These types of feelings are not something that coincide with patience.  If I truly had the skill of patience, I would be able to soothe my fears and keep negativity at bay.  If I truly had mastered the skill of patience I would not be preoccupied with thoughts of “WHAT MAY BE.”  Instead I would be able to think about WHAT IS.

                Living in the present, living with purpose, living today in order to make your tomorrow’s better is what I believe takes patience.  In today’s world we are so often given answers quickly.
               If we have a problem with our television or internet, there is a call center technician available to help us almost immediately.  If we are bored we can find instant entertainment with television and the internet.  If we are lonely we can call our friends and family.  If we are hungry we go to a fast food drive thru.

                 Everything in our society is trying to be faster, because most people lack patience.  We want it all, and we want it immediately.

                I am learning to be patient.  I know I need to practice keep exercising patience.  I know that the decisions and actions I make today will shape my future.  If I have patience I will be able to wait for my dreams to become a reality.  I can’t force The Universe to work on my timeframe.  The only thing I can do is continue to work for the future and practice patience.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, June 7, 2013

Belief is a Powerful Tool…Use It!!!

                 Do you know the Universe is always talking to us, it’s just waiting for us to listen. The Universe is always offering us a path to our dreams.  We must keep our eyes and ears open so the Universe can guide us.

                An important thing to remember as we walk our path is that it is rarely a straight line.  The Universe gives us opportunities to alter our path to fit our needs all the time, whether it be daily or even hourly.  Don’t ignore these whispers just because they are coming at you fast, grab hold of your future because it starts today.

                Now don’t despair because the Universe isn’t yelling at you about your path daily.  If the Universe isn’t yelling at you every day, if you don’t see the signs of your future every hour don’t despair.

                Remember the Universe doesn’t work on your timeframe.  The Universe will give you what you want and need at the opportune moment.  The Universe can see where you are going long before you can.  I had to surrender my path to the Universe today.

                It may seem small, but my scale hasn’t moved in a few weeks.  For those of you that don’t already know I am on a journey to better health and weight loss, so the scale is an important tool for me.  At first I was upset not having the regular success I am used to, but it doesn’t change my goals or my work ethic.

                I am still going to keep up with my regular workouts and watch what I eat.  Those things are good for me, and I don’t need immediate rewards because in the long run I’ll be rewarded.  The Universe has a timeframe for my health and I choose to Believe.

                One of the Most Important things you can do for yourself is to Believe that what you want and need WILL COME.  The Universe will respond to your Belief, never give up, never stop believing, keep working to make your life AWESOME.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I Talk to Myself and I Answer Back

                Good Morning.  If you were captivated by my title and admission that I “talk to myself” you might be wondering if I am saying Good Morning to myself, or to my readers.  The answer is BOTH.  I am here to say to all of you that “talking to yourself” can be good.
                Many times in my life I have talked to myself, I talk to myself on a regular basis.  Sometimes the conversations were based in sadness and anger, sometimes they were based in boredom, and other times they were Just Plain Silly.  No matter what I’m saying to myself, I realize it’s important.
                You may be wondering what’s so important and beneficial about talking to yourself.  Let’s see…First of all I believe you should be your own best friend.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t have other friends.  Friends and close relationships with other people are ABSOLUTELY Necessary to have a healthy and happy life.  What I am saying is that in order to be a good friend and a loving person with others, you need to start within yourself.
                Another benefit of talking to yourself is that you can work through sensitive issues with the person you trust the most, yourself.  Often times people are hesitant to share sensitive issues with others out of fear.  If we can talk to ourselves we can have a DRESS REHERSAL for sharing.  We can practice different ways of communication in safety.
                Yet another benefit of talking to yourself is LOVE…even more specific, self-love.  Loving yourself is of the utmost importance if you want to share in Positive Loving relationships with others.  If you can’t be alone or find something you like or love about yourself this is often a precursor to negative interactions with others.
                Talking to yourself can be a valuable tool for growth.  Keep in mind that most TOOLS are guidelines and if not practiced properly can turn into Bad Habits.  Remember that talking to yourself is NOT a REPLACEMENT for interaction with other people.  Remember that if you dwell in negative Self-Talk it is not going to help you grow or work through things.
                It’s ok to share your good and bad emotions, as long as you work towards a healthy balance.  Don’t pretend to be happy and perfect all the time, but work to keep from dwelling in negativity.
To The Universe


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Show Up and Participate

                               Good Morning Universe.  Here’s to everyone showing up to their lives today.  Showing up isn’t just your physical presence.  Showing up to Your Life requires work.  If you want to live a happy and fulfilled life you HAVE TO BE AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT.   A great place to start is to search out people, places, and things that inspire you.
                               You can create your own inspiration through activities like personal writings, poetry, and art.  You should have time set aside to share in the information a beauty created by others by reading and watching things that are based in positivity.
                               Make these types of behaviors into your habits.  It can seem difficult with all the things we can engage in to pass our time.  Many times I have just wanted mindless entertainment, which can be enjoyable, but not if I base my life around it.
                               Get Pumped about change, but stick with it!!!  I didn’t want to put in the effort or hear other people talk about The Power of Change because I wasn’t ready to commit.  I didn’t believe in myself and didn’t want to make positive use of my time.
                               My habits were based in familiarity.  My habits were based in comfort.  My habits didn’t include time for positive self-reflection and growth.  My habits were basically formed by my Fear of Change.
                               Today I am INSPIRED by the positive habits I am forming.  I still experience Fear, but I now revel in overcoming that fear.  I am really starting to enjoy building a life from “good” desires and “positive” experiences.
                               What kinds of behaviors and habits do you participate in that are limiting your growth?  The first step to change is Acknowledging your negative behaviors and habits.  The first step is often the most difficult, but it’s the Best Gift you can Give Yourself!!!!
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hold onto The Good Moments

                               Good Morning Universe.  Another Monday is here to greet us, and I want to send everyone into the week with some thoughts about the Moments that Make Our Lives.

                               Many times in my life I have lived in Sadness, Anxiety, Stress, and a multitude of other negative emotions.  I dwelled on all the bad things in my life.  Whether it was a bad feeling, emotion, or action I let it creep into my daily existence.
                               I spent years focusing on
 what was wrong with my life.  What was wrong with my life was my perspective.  When I focused on all the Negativity in my life I began to live in Negativity.  I never saw happiness because how I viewed my life, is what turned into my Actual Life.

                               I realize how each moment that we hold onto is shapes us and our lives.  This evening I was petting our dog Annie and was filled with happiness, so I decided to make an effort to HOLD ON TO this memory for future use.  Next time I feel Negativity creeping in I have to focus on the Good Stuff, the Memories that I cherish will be the tools I use to combat the dreaded Negativity.

                               It sounds so simple, but it takes work.  It takes practice to change our patterns of thinking and our behaviors.  It takes WORK to recall those “happy moments, memories, or feelings” every time life gets you down.  It takes practice.

                               These days patience and practice seem like virtues that are in short supply.  Our culture is obsessed with convenience and entertainment at the push of a button or the click of a mouse.  In the information age we have forgotten that time heals, and that Life Is Not Always on Our Schedule.

                               We must walk through each moment towards our future, good or bad its part of life.  We can’t time travel into the future.  We can’t skip the tough times because life lessons learned are important.  Besides if we could actually “fast forward” through life, it would be over WAY to Soon.

                               Hold on to the good moments, live in the present but never lose sight of your future.  Use the good moments as fuel to keep you going when you face negativity.  Let’s retrain our brains to remember the Good Stuff and Let Go of The Bad.

To The Universe

Love Brandy