Thursday, November 15, 2012


"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard, author

I have decided that I am closer today to realizing what it means to “Let Go” of my past, present, and future.  When I used to think of “letting go” I thought about forgetting, not having control of the outcome, or just plain apathy.  I never stopped to wonder why “letting go” felt unreachable, maybe because I was never able to let go of painful emotions and memories.

I had an intense desire to “let go” of my pain, my bad memories, and my past mistakes.  I never stopped to wonder why my desire to “let go” just made me feel worse.  I felt like I was damaged and abnormal, I thought that I held onto things more than other people around me.  I think it’s normal to “let go” of things, keep the good and learn from the bad.  Let go of what’s holding you back, and let go of total control of your future.

Those feelings were just my way of putting myself down, and when I did that it was easier for me to stop trying.  I didn’t want to change the path of my life, I was afraid.  I was afraid of failure, but even worse I was afraid of hope.  I didn’t want to envision a positive future, for fear that I would be let down when it didn’t come to pass.

When I stopped caring about my future out of fear I wasn’t “letting go” of my future, I was denying it.  I feel that “letting go” means that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.  When you “let go” of total control and start paying attention to where “the Universe” is trying to guide you, that’s when greatness happens. 

What can you “Let Go” of that will help you move forward?  Can you “let go” and ask for guidance.  Can you “let go” and enjoy today for what it’s worth.  What does “letting go” mean to you?  Can you “let go” of your past and negativity in order to build the future of your dreams?  Can you “Let Go” of the vision of your future in order to hear the whispers of The Universe?

To The Universe

Love Brandy

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