Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gratitude...It's Important!!!

                Are you grateful?  Do you realize how important gratitude is in your life?  I can say that today I am more grateful for all the things in my life then I have ever been.  This does not mean that I have lots of “things”, it means I realize the importance of what I have and I am not giving importance to what I don’t have. 

                Basically I appreciate whatever I have and realize that if I obsess about the things I want, and don’t have, they won’t ever come.  You have to appreciate what you have to show the Universe that you are ready for more.  When you appreciate what you have, not just physical possessions, but emotions, people, even the oxygen you breathe, you are showing gratitude.  You are coming from a place of love and abundance, not from a place of fear and lack.

                If you want to manifest wonderful things in your life, practice appreciating what you have now.  Try to realize that you can appreciate some of the things you may think are negative in your life.  If you can take something negative and twist it around to envision how it can make you a stronger better person, you will manifest that change. 

                You don’t have to know exactly how to change the negative to positive, though you MUST believe that it will change for the better.  Trust in the Universe, because it’s not out to get you.  The Universe isn’t trying to make your life worse.
                The Universe inherently wants to give you what you want and need.  The only thing the Universe asks in return for this loving generosity, is belief.  What can you BELIEVE in today?  Don’t hope for it, KNOW it will be yours.  Now sit back, with patience, and watch the amazing workings of the Universe.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, April 29, 2013

Suffering? It’s how YOU VIEW IT!!!

                Have you ever heard the saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder?”  Well I have always believed that to be true.  I have also come to realize that suffering is in the mind of those who suffer, and everyone at one time or another has and will experience suffering.

                 Knowing that we all suffer and choose what to internalize means is that no one can make us feel a certain way.  People can influence our lives in both negative and positive ways, but WE are the ones who decide what to do with those external influences.

            We are the only people with control over our minds.  Other people can influence us, but in the end we are the creators of our own thoughts.  Our thoughts come from our brains, and our brains can be controlled.  Just like many things control of our minds is never perfect, we are human, and part of a world which contains plenty of imperfection.

            Just because we are the controller of our own minds, thoughts, and emotions doesn’t mean we can always make ourselves stop feeling pain.  What it does mean is that we CAN and should continually work our minds.

                We should never stop practicing having control of our thoughts and emotions.  We also shouldn’t blame ourselves when we can’t ALWAYS be in complete control of our thoughts or emotions.  We just need to be aware of the choices we make so that we don’t hurt ourselves or others with our decisions.  What can you do with the power of Your Mind?  What kind of positive choices can you make today?
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, April 26, 2013

When You Are at Rock Bottom...Build a Solid Foundation!!!

            “It’s places like rock bottom where we have the incredible power of choice.  Do we give up, or do we, as JK Rowling suggests, use rock bottom as solid foundation to build on.”   Vivek Wagel

            I don’t always quote other people in my blogs that is until I read this quote by Vivek Wagel.  Until recently I often felt that my past was dragging me down.  I felt like my mistakes would continue to negatively impact my life forever.  I was unable to see how I could Truly use my past to make my future better.  My vision was clouded by pain and regret. 

                Recently I have realized that dwelling only on the negative of my past, was just bringing more negativity into my present.  If I allowed myself to continue being surrounded by all those negative thoughts, how could I ever manifest a positive future.

            Today I envision a future filled with possibility, happiness, prosperity, and love.  More than that I have begun to forgive myself for the mistakes of my past.  Through my work with The Elevate Institute I have been blessed with hope, belief, and being. 

                The hope I feel is not just “hoping for the best”, because that isn’t how to attract the things I want in my life.  The hope I am talking about is the positive basis for my emotions, it’s my solid foundation for the future.
                When my emotions come from a positive place it’s possible for me to believe that I will have the future I envision.  With that belief in my future I KNOW that the Universe will put those beliefs into being.  My future is my own, it’s beautiful, and I’m building it every day.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's Another First!!!

                Good Morning Universe, I have another first to report!!!  This week was the first time I celebrated my Father’s Birthday.  We enjoyed a wonderful meal and celebration with friends and family.  We made memories that will last forever.  We were family.

                Many people may not realize just how big it is for me to celebrate a birthday with my father.  First off, I am in my mid-thirties and not spending his Birthday together was normal for me.  I have missed many of my father’s birthdays, just as he has missed most of mine.

                For those of you that know me or have read my blog you know that the past year is the most time I have spent with my father in my whole life.  It is also the only time in my life where we have had a positive relationship.  The years before now included neglect, abuse, apathy, and pain.

                Thankfully this year has been filled with LOVE, FORGIVENESS, UNDERSTANDING, TRUST, and Building a New and Stronger Relationship.  I am grateful to have this time to get to know and love my father.  I am grateful that my father wants to get to know and love me.  I am grateful that I have been able to forgive and allow Love into My Heart.

                If you don’t believe in Love, Forgiveness, Hope, Trust, and Gratitude you will always be missing something.  You don’t have to rekindle old relationships in order to believe in these attributes.  You can still operate from Love and have good boundaries.  Here is to Friends, Family, Love, and Life!!!

To The Universe

Love Brandy

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Power of Nature!!!

                Good Morning Universe your power and beauty is amazing.  Today I am reminded of the amazing gift of nature and re-birth.  I am not physically outside experiencing the gifts nature gives us, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be constantly in awe and appreciation.

                I am simply inspired, and that inspiration came from something very small and simple, a photograph.  I was looking at different images of nature online and was struck by this image of a volcanic eruption.

                It struck me how violent and scary it must be to witness something like this, but what also struck me was how Amazing it must be to witness the Power of Nature.  The best part about nature is that it’s beauty can come from something large and powerful like a volcano, or something as small as an insect resting on a blade of grass.  AMAZING!!!

                No one will disagree that nature is amazing and beautiful.  No one will disagree that the cycle of nature which includes destruction and rebirth is beautiful, necessary, and reflects Life Itself.  Nature isn’t just plants, animals, landscapes….Nature is Us.

                We are ALL part of the cycle of nature, our bodies, our minds, our lives.  The cycle of death and rebirth, positive and negative, isn’t just nature it’s OUR LIVES.  Next time something bad happens let’s try to remember that after the rain comes the growth.

                Let’s all work on taking the storm of our past, and using it to push our growth in the future.  We are ALL beautiful, not because we are perfect, but because we DIFFERENT.  We are ALL beautiful, not because of what others think, but because we are part of Nature.  RESPECT yourself, RESPECT others, RESPECT Nature, and LOVE YOUR LIFE!!!

To The Universe

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Key to Happiness!!!

Love one another and you will be happy.  It's as simple and as difficult as that.  ~Michael Leunig

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.  ~Robert Heinlein

                As you may have noticed, I am working with a theme.  I’ll give you a hint, if you can Master “this” your life will never be lacking.  Of course I am referring to LOVE!!!

                Love is necessary component of life.  Human beings can accomplish GREAT THINGS when they learn to operate from a place within them that is FILLED WITH LOVE.

                Love makes us happy, Love makes us productive, Love makes us excited to get up in the morning.  I am not solely referring to intimate love, though that type of Love is necessary and wonderful.  I am referring to love for yourself, love for other people, and love for our world and the things within our world.

                When your heart is filled with LOVE, you will NEVER be lacking.  It’s such an easy thing to say, though I will admit learning to Truly Love can be difficult.  But you know what they say, anything REALLY worth having is worth working for.

                One of the first steps to bringing more love into your life is gratitude.  When we are grateful for the things we have and the things that are still in our future, we can fill our souls with LOVE.  When we are grateful for who we are, that’s when we can truly Love ourselves.  Once we Love ourselves we can share that Love with others.

                Love can’t grow in a place of lack, just like plants can’t grow without sunshine and water.  We need to learn to “feed” our souls with Love.  It takes practice because most of our lives we are trying to be deserving of Love, or trying to MAKE LOVE happen.  Love doesn’t have to be “Made,” it already exists inside us, and around us, we only have to learn to let it flow through us.

To The Universe
LOVE Brandy

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do You Believe in Yourself?

               Have you every stopped to ask yourself if you believe in your personal potential?  Do you believe in your heart that you can live your dreams?  Even more important, do you believe you deserve to live the life of your dreams?  These questions are very important to ask yourself, and your answers will tell you if you are being guided by the Universe

               The Universe wants us to live a life filled with positivity, but will put up road blocks to ensure you are willing to put in the work.  The Universe isn’t going to give us everything we want unless we are willing to commit and put in the work.  Yes, we deserve happiness, but The Universe knows that people often don’t appreciate or truly enjoy things that come to easily.

               The Universe doesn’t want us to be lazy, because as I’ve said before being lazy and apathetic is not TRULY living.  The Universe doesn’t want us to just exist, it want us to THRIVE.  I simply EXISTED for years before I started on a path to find out what the Universe had for me.

               Most of the mistakes I’ve made in my life, like drugs, jail, dysfunctional relationships (the list goes on) simply because I didn’t want to put in the effort.  I didn’t want to give up what seemed easy to me.  I surrounded myself with people who didn’t treat me the way I wanted to be treated because I didn’t have the courage or self-esteem to go out into the world alone.

              If we settle for circumstances that we believe we have no control over, it’s the first step in setting aside the dreams and desires we have for the future.  If we want to be happy and Live in Love, we must not settle.  We must stop simply Existing and step out in faith.  When we step forward into our future and BELIEVE in it, the Universe will guide us to a life that we could only dream of before.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Light up the Darkness with LOVE!!!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

                How many times in our lives have we felt surrounded by darkness and negativity?  I am pretty sure that everyone has experienced this at some point in their lives.

                As we walk through our lives we are confronted with many different situations, people, and emotions that can cause us to feel like we have “stepped into darkness.”  Personally I lived many years surrounded by darkness.

                I have been a drug addict and a felon.  I have suffered with mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.  I have physically hurt myself because I felt I deserved it or because I had become numb.  I know a lot about living in darkness, and I know how difficult it can be to pull yourself out of it.

               One of the main reasons I lived SO LONG in Darkness was fear.  I was afraid to try for something better, I was afraid to feel worse, and I was afraid I didn’t deserve the happiness and light other people had in their lives…..I WAS WRONG!!!

                Everyone deserves happiness, everyone deserves to feel surrounded by Light and Love, and everyone deserves to not be tormented by FEAR.  Over the past year I have Truly Discovered the cure for darkness and fear… It’s Love.  Today I am So Happy and So Filled with LOVE!!!
                It seems such a simple remedy to the negativity that confronts us every day, but I acknowledge that it can be difficult to Operate from Love.  The more you practice using the power of Love and Light the easier it will become.  What do you have to lose?  Nothing but the negativity of darkness and fear, I think it’s worth a shot!!!

                What is at least one positive thing you can do TODAY to help you live in the light?  What is at least one thing you are grateful for right now, no matter how big or small?  What is at least one thing you LOVE about yourself right now?  Ask yourself these questions daily.  Keep working towards filling your life with LOVE!!!

To The Universe
Love Brandy 

Monday, April 15, 2013

What Can You Do with The Power of Your Mind?

                Have you ever heard the saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder?”  Well I have always believed that to be true.  I have also come to realize that suffering is in the mind of those who suffer, and everyone at one time or another has and will experience suffering. 

                Knowing that we all suffer and choose what to internalize means is that no one can make us feel a certain way.  People can influence our lives in both negative and positive ways, but WE are the ones who decide what to do with those external influences.

            We are the only people with control over our minds.  Other people can influence us, but in the end we are the creators of our own thoughts.  Our thoughts come from our brains, and our brains can be controlled.  Just like many things control of our minds is never perfect, we are human, and part of a world which contains plenty of imperfection.

            Just because we are the controller of our own minds, thoughts, and emotions doesn’t mean we can always make ourselves stop feeling pain.  What it does mean is that we CAN and should continually work our minds.  We should never stop practicing having control of our thoughts and emotions. 

                We also shouldn’t blame ourselves when we can’t ALWAYS be in complete control of our thoughts or emotions.  We just need to be aware of the choices we make so that we don’t hurt ourselves or others with our decisions.  What can you do with the power of Your Mind?  What kind of positive choices can you make today?  

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, April 12, 2013

Connect with Your Inner Self...Your Spiritual Self!!!

"It's not the idea of a particular religion that's important; it's the development of a spiritual life.  Because spirituality creates well-being, health, and happiness."  Goldie Hawn

                Spirituality is a very broad word, or at least that’s what I used to think.  I used to believe that to be spiritual you had to be religious.  I used to believe that in order to be spiritual you had to believe in God or attach yourself to a specific religion.

                I am not writing today to speak about religion or God.  I am writing about spirituality, but the spirituality I speak about is what is inside each and every one of us.  It doesn’t matter if you are religious, if you believe God, or if you are an atheist.  We are ALL spiritual in one way or another.

                The dictionary defines the word spiritual as relating to one’s spirit, relating to religion or one’s religious beliefs, and having similar values or beliefs.  What I noticed most about these definitions is that they all revolve around the individual.  It’s the individual who chooses how their beliefs will form into their spiritual nature.

                Even people who may not be conscious of their spiritual beliefs are practicing all the time.  Your spirituality comes from within, it’s part of your subconscious, it’s part of your emotions, your decisions, your beliefs, and your actions.

                When each of us works to connect with our spiritual side, we are really connecting with ourselves.  When we connect with ourselves we can understand our thoughts, emotions, and actions on a deeper level.  When understand our “inner self” and our “spirituality” we can grow and love in ways we never knew were possible.  Feed your Spirit with Love and it will Nourish You!!!

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Boredom Happens!!!

            Is boredom normal?  Is boredom negative?  Many times when I am feeling down it’s not just because I’m sad, a lot of times I’m just bored.  Boredom is something that I have been experiencing more recently.  

           The thing is that I wasn’t busier before, I think I just didn’t care.  I didn’t want to have things to do, or people to be with.  I was so comfortable in my apathy that I didn’t realizing how bored I was.  I didn’t even realize how unhappy I was.

            Have you ever heard someone say, you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.  I always assumed that was in reference to something good that you had which you lost.  I know that sometimes the opposite is true.  I think sometimes you don’t realize how sad or apathetic you have been, until you find happiness.

            I have started to find so much happiness.  I don’t want to sleep all day, or watch TV all day, or be alone all the time.  I want so much more, and for the first time in my life those kind of desires don’t scare me.  I used to be frightened to really want something, because I was sure if I didn’t get it I would be sad.  I realize today that those thoughts were just fear trying to control my life.

           When I allowed my life to be ruled by fear I stopped really dreaming, hoping, and expecting good things in my life.  Today I still get bored, the difference is that every day I have more positive feelings and emotions in my life to replace the boredom and fear.  
            I look forward to tomorrow.  I don’t want to stay in bed all day.  I WANT TO LIVE LIFE.  I know I will continue to be happier with every moment.  Love and Happiness is abundant and I want my share.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Balance the Responsibility with the Fun!!!

                Good Morning Universe.  This morning I have been considering the importance of BALANCE.  More specifically the balance between the responsibilities we have as productive adults and the side of each and every one of us that Just Wants To Have Fun!!!

                A healthy and happy life is all about balance.  We should be eating a balanced diet to keep our bodies healthy.  But occasionally we just want to eat the “bad for you” stuff, like cookies, chips or whatever your indulgence is.  We shouldn’t deny ourselves the indulgent foods, we just need to remember balance.

                We should be going to work, earning a living, and working to achieve and retain our financial stability.  But many people just want to have fun.  I understand the desire to just enjoy yourself and forget about whatever responsibilities we have, but forgetting doesn’t make things go away.  We should experience as much carefree fun as we can, but not at the expense of our day to day responsibilities. 

                Every day we choose to wake up and most people take care of the responsibilities of life like work, kids, bills etc.  Once we have a decent grasp on our responsibilities it is important to have fun.  As we walk through life sometimes we have more responsibilities and less time and money for fun.  Other times in life we will have less responsibilities and more time and money for fun.  Either way it is a balance, and you can balance anything in your life as long as you strive for it. 

                Don’t forget your responsibilities in place of fun, and don’t let your responsibilities overwhelm you so much that you forget to have some fun in your life.  Work every day to balance your life, and you will be much happier and more secure.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Pull Yourself out of The Rut!!!

            I have been in a creative rut for days, or at least that’s how I saw it.  Though, if I look more closely at the situation I am able to see it differently.  Last week I had pulled a muscle in my leg, which caused me a lot of pain and kept me out of the gym for quite a few days.  After my leg started to feel better I was happy but still whiny.  Today I thankful feel much better.  I look back and realize I can view my creative rut as a Circumstance or a Reaction.

            If I sat here today and let my thoughts turn negative or see my lack of creativity as failure then that is a reaction, and an unproductive one at that.  That type of reaction will not help me get back on track.  That type of reaction will only cause me to extend my current situation. 

                Now, if I choose to see my lack of creativity as a Circumstance that simply resulted from an injury and therefore is completely normal and expected.  Well that thought is what has helped me get back to Believing, then Knowing, that I would get back on track with my writing.

            Now look at me, I’m writing.  Some people will like what I have to say and some people won’t, but I feel good to be doing it again.  Those good feelings are going out into The Universe and I know they will come back to me.  I know that my positive thoughts and feelings will bring more Positivity back into my life.  It’s like KNOWING the check is in the mail and it will be awesome. 

                I feel like I already have the things I want and it’s THOSE FEELINGS that make life worth living.  It’s not the things you have that bring you happiness, but how you FEEL about the things you have.   How can you feel good about what you have today, no matter how small?

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, April 5, 2013

Some words you should NEVER use!!!

                How many people realize the immense power contained in our most common words.   I have found that the word Never has such a great and often destructive power over our lives.  Never can ruin our hopes and dreams, it can tell us how to live our lives, and it can ruin our self-esteem.

                I didn’t realize that this one word was holding me back from happiness.  As long as the word Never constantly crossed my lips I would Never see my dreams into fruition.  Never was one of the most common words in my vocabulary, and it held true in my life.  I believed in Never with all my heart, and guess what, I Never found my happiness.  

                Today my constant Never thoughts are in mostly in the past, but I must remember to keep an eye out for Never.  If I am not vigilant and working with the Universe on my path, Never will slither back into my brain like a serpent.  

                When you say “Never” you are giving it power because you are focusing on it.  Now that you are focused on Never having what you want, that is exactly what the Universe is going give you.  Concentrating on the “Never” in your life is actually bringing more of that to you.

                Reversing your attitude of “Never” is simple but takes practice.  Every time you feel that you are Never going to have what you want and need, Stop.  Take the thought captive and substitute the Never for something like, ALWAYS.  

                When we stop saying NEVER all the time we can focus on Always.  ALWAYS be happy, Always be prosperous, Always love yourself, and you can ALWAYS have all the things you want and need.  Don’t let your negative thoughts overrun your common sense.  We all know that you should……Never Say Never.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Love Yourself Enough To Make BIG CHANGES!!!

                I am loving myself, and it can be rough.  This week I choose to show Love and Respect for myself by not only committing to positive changes, but holding myself Accountable to those commitments.

                I have spoken before about my journey to better health.  Some days I do really good, I eat well and exercise.  Other days I get lazy, apathetic, and a little entitled.  Thankfully I have been able to resist my previous history of saying “Well, I already messed up so I might as well just give up.”

                Last week I hiked to the top of Kraft Mountain, and it was GREAT!  This week I continued to exercise every day trying to prepare for my next great adventure.  I made a commitment to myself to walk/exercise for an hour every day, and So Far I am keeping my commitment.

                In the past I have made many commitments to myself that I didn’t keep, in fact I didn’t even try.  The best part about today is that I am not afraid to try anymore.  I am not perfect, and I am sure I will have days when I don’t exercise.  The realization I have today, is that falling off the wagon isn’t what is most dangerous to me, IT’S NEVER GETTING BACK ON!!!!

                Everyone needs encouragement and can benefit to being held accountable by themselves and others when True Change is desired.  Anyone can make a commitment, but it takes LOVE to keep those commitments.  Let your heart lead you, listen to your intuition, and BELIEVE that when you listen to the LOVE inside you it won’t steer you wrong.

                What positive commitments can you make to yourself today?  Do you need to forgive yourself for dropping the Ball?  Are you willing to Work on increasing the LOVE in your life?
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Make a Decision or Make a Commitment...Do You Know The Difference?

                Good Morning Universe, let’s compare and contrast Decisions and Commitments.  They are both very different things, but they are also intertwined on a complex level.

                First off, it is important to understand that you can’t have true commitment, to yourself, your goals, or other people without first having made the Decision to do so.  When I speak about making a decision it’s basically a choice.

                For people to make healthy decisions it is important to be able to identify the issue at hand.  It is important to weigh the positive benefits and consider any negative side effects to your decision.  When you have all the information it is easier to make healthy and positive decision.

                We make decisions All The Time.  We make decisions EVERYDAY and EVERY MOMENT of our lives.  Some decisions are simple and basic, like what to eat and when to wake up.  Other decisions are very complex and difficult and these require thoughtful consideration.  If we have a positive foundation and support system we can make better decisions.

                Many people DECIDE they want change in order to bring more Love and Positivity into their lives.  The problem is many people forget that to bring about true and lasting change it takes more than just a decision, it takes commitment.
                Yes, you need to decide whether the commitment is worth it to you.  Are you willing to commit to the work needed to change your life and often in the process the lives of others around you?  That is the basic difference between decision and commitment.

                Commitment is more than just words and desire.  Commitment is WORK!!!  Commitment is desire and decision on steroids.  Commitment with a bit patience thrown in on the side will bring Great Things into Your Life!!!

                Are you ready to make the decision to change?  Are you willing to Commit and put in “the work” to help you grow and change?  Do you see any obstacles in your path and if so will you brainstorm ways to get around them?

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I LOVE the Long Days of Summer!!!

                It’s Here…Spring Time and soon to follow it will be Summer.  Last month we had to set our clocks forward by an hour, and what a difference that makes.  The days are longer and it’s no longer dark outside at dinner time.

                I have noticed a few things about my schedule since the time change.  First off, the more sun that comes in my windows during the evening the happier it makes me.  Secondly I have noticed a lot more birds in my backyard and it cheers me up regularly. 

                I get to open up my doors and let the wonderful breeze sweep through my apartment ALL DAY.  I have been focused on appreciating the BEAUTIFUL and MILD weather here in Vegas while it lasts.  I know soon enough it will be SUPER HOT and I won’t be able to leave the doors open all day.

                Every season brings with it new and wonderful things.  Spring is all about blooming…New Life and a great warm up after winter.  Summer has it’s benefits especially if you are a Sun Worshipper or depending on where you live, summer has a great climate.  Here in Vegas Summer is Brutally Hot, but I can still appreciate the Sunny Weather…Especially because we live in a time where we have AIR CONDITIONING.

                Once the high temperatures of summer pass by it’s time to shed the leaves and FALL!!!  Mild temperatures, great skies, and a time to get prepped for winter.  Plus the milder temps make outdoors activities AWESOME Again!!!

                Winter has the BEST HOLIDAYS.   Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years are my favorites.  Winter is also a great time for cloud formations, nature’s awesome beauty and power at its finest.  No matter what season there is something to look forward too.  How Lucky Are We?  No matter where you live it’s important to appreciate nature and it’s Beautiful Seasons.

To The Universe
Love Brandy