Thursday, February 21, 2013

Social Media can make Great Changes, Let’s Use it Wisely!!!

                Good Morning Universe, today I want to talk about social media.  You guys all know what social media is and how often people use it in today’s world, we use it A LOT.  Sites like Facebook and Twitter and all sorts of others I can’t think of right now.

                Chances are you are reading my blog directly from a link you got on Facebook or Twitter, and That is Great!!!  Social media is a powerful tool for communication.  It can link people from around the world.  It can help us reconnect with lost friends and family.  Information from around the world is shared at lightning speed.

                What we should be asking ourselves is…Are We Using This Tool Wisely?  What kind of interaction are you usually partaking in through social media?  Are you looking at cute and funny pictures?  Are you connecting with friends and family?  Are you reading inspirational stories and articles?  Are you being educated about important political, economic, social, and environmental issues?  Or are you using Social Media as a tool to spread negativity?

                I like to post things that are inspirational, funny, and beautiful.  I recently found a clip on my news feed about an upcoming documentary titled “Midway” by Chris Jordan.  This film is about an island in the pacific that is entirely populated by sea birds.  This film documents the trash in our oceans and the devastating impact on the sea and the creatures (especially birds) that are part of that ecosystem.

                It was difficult to watch and my eyes started to water when I saw the deceased birds and the Human Trash that they had ingested while they were alive, in fact that trash is probably what killed them.  I realized how often we jump on a “let’s fix this issue” bandwagon, but just don’t keep up.  Our planet, our Wildlife, our World is the only one we have so we have to protect it. 

                You don’t need to change your entire life to make an impact, just be educated and make some positive changes.  Don’t turn a blind eye to things you don’t want to see, Change Doesn’t Happen That Way.  What can you educated yourself about today that will impact our World tomorrow?

To The Universe
Love Brandy

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