Friday, May 10, 2013

Today You Can Do Anything!!!

                Good Morning Universe!!!  Today I want to add a few things to my post from yesterday.  Yesterday’s Blog titled “I don’t need to be Medicated,” was about how I have moved past needing medications to sleep, and deal with some psychiatric conditions I had been diagnosed with.

                First thing I want to point out is that I just because I don’t use medications on a regular basis anymore it doesn’t mean I am telling other people that treatment isn’t necessary.  Every person and diagnosis is different, it is important for each individual to decide how they will be treated.

                I am only referring to my own person experience, my own personal desire to try to get better.  For me the medication and treatment I was receiving wasn’t working, therefore I decided to try something different.
                I received some input from those closest to me asking how I was able to improve my sleep, my anxiety, and my depression.  To be honest, I can’t point out one particular tool or technique that worked.  I believe it is a combination of many things.

                My first step was that I Acknowledged my problems.  I Acknowledged a true desire to change.  I stopped hiding behind excuses.  I surrounded myself with people who encouraged me and I started to believe that I was ready to try.  Before last year I didn’t want to try anything out of my normal routine because I was afraid to fail.

                The second most important tool I used was Faith.  I had faith that if I kept trying and stopped just accepting my condition as unchangeable, I could have the results I wanted.  Luckily I had people around me that also were living a life based in Positivity and Accountability.

                In the beginning each night when I couldn’t sleep I would repeat the same things to myself, “stop looking at the clock,” “if you can’t fall asleep it’s not the end of the world,” “Surrender.”  It took a long time before the anxiety that was associated with my Fear of Insomnia began to dissipate.

                I had to practice “letting go.”  I had to practice “belief.”  I CHOOSE to believe that change was possible, I CHOOSE to Love myself enough to NOT GIVE UP.  I am not perfect and can honestly say I occasionally still experience insomnia, anxiety, and other negative emotions.  The difference today is that I Work Hard to remember that Today Is A New Day.  I don’t tell myself that “I can’t sleep tonight,” simply because the night before was rough.

                What can you Acknowledge TODAY that you would like to change?  What can you Surrender TODAY that will leave your future open for greatness?  What ACTION can you take TODAY that will give you the future you crave?

To The Universe
Love Brandy

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