Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stop Blaming and Start Loving!!!

“If we are constantly looking for what's wrong, if we are constantly trying to see how someone messed up - we miss the miracle and we miss the blessing that is his or her presence in our life.” –Mastin Kipp

                What a POWERFUL quote.  Just a few years ago a quote like this would have made me cringe!!!  I didn’t want to stop using blame as a tool to make the things that weren’t right in my life Anyone Else’s Fault But My Own. 

                If I was disrespectful and selfish to my family, it wasn’t my fault.  If I was consumed with my addictions it was because other people had hurt me.  The person who I overlooked all too often, was my mother, I was mad at her for not accepting my faults.  I missed out on how much LOVE SHE HAD FOR ME, for quite a few years.  I was selfish and inconsiderate to people who cared and I am Sorry.
                 I was so busy looking at the Negativity in myself and how other people were the reason for my unhappiness I WAS MISSING OUT ON LIFE.  I couldn’t be happy, or at least that was what I thought at the time.  I never stopped to think that with some Effort and True Desire I really did have the power to change.

                One of the main reasons I was drowning in negativity towards myself and others, was the Lack of Love I had for myself.  In fact on many occasions I hated myself.  I wasn’t ready to face what was wrong internally, so I put that blame on others.  That is no way to grow, it will only make you smaller.

                If I had love and respect for myself and the people around me then I would have been open to the miracles and blessings that LOVE can truly bring.

                I acknowledge that for many people LOVE has become just a word, it’s True Meaning is lost to us.  Love is something we “say” often but we don’t really “mean it.”  It’s not that we are lying when we say “I Love You” to ourselves or others, but we just don’t know what love means on the inside!!!

                We can all describe and define the word, but many of us lack the ability to describe the TRUE FEELING and EMOTION of love.  I know that I had no real concept of LOVE, because I didn’t know how it felt.  How could I, I had never felt that towards myself.

                As I continue to grow in a positive way, I am more aware that LOVE isn’t perfect.  I am more aware that LOVE starts within yourself.  I am more aware that everyone is deserving of LOVE and I am ready to have more of it!!!  Stop the Blame and Increase the Love!!!

To The Universe
Love Brandy

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