Friday, February 15, 2013

Keep LOVING even though Valentine's Day is Over!!!

          Good Morning Universe…I LOVE YOU.  As you all know Valentine’s Day is officially over.  Some of you may be hung over, either from wine or chocolate.  While other people may have a sappy Love hangover from all the hearts posted on Social Media. LOL

          Personally I feel GREAT.  I didn’t have the conventional Valentine’s Day with dinner, flowers, wine, or even a date.  What I did have was a good day.  I was reminded of the importance of LOVE and the importance of LOVING Yourself. 

          This Valentine’s Day I didn’t sit around and feel sorry for myself for being alone.  This Valentine’s Day I celebrated the fact that I have more Self Love today, than I have ever had in the past.  It was awesome!!!

          Don’t get me wrong, I still would like to find a loving relationship with another person, but I no longer feel sad or different because I don’t have that right now.  I have EVERYTHING I Need and MORE Right Now!!!

          I have pride, forgiveness, happiness, great friends and family, and a desire to improve myself everyday.  I AM HAPPY and living a life FILLED WITH LOVE.  What could be better than that?

          What are some things that you have TODAY, RIGHT NOW that are the basis for Love in Your Life.  When you think of the things you have RIGHT NOW, don’t just think about other people or things.  Think about what YOU ARE RIGHT NOW and what You Love Right Now.

          Once you have a list of things You Love Right Now, keep those with you throughout the year.  If you start to “Lose that Lovin Feeling” then pull out the list of things you Love and REMEMBER!!!

To The Universe

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