Monday, February 4, 2013

How We See Ourselves is Our Reality!!!

“The truth is that we co-create our experience CONSTANTLY, as you believe, so will you perceive.”  Dave Elliott

How often does how we see our lives become our Actual Life?   I am pretty sure it’s Almost Always.  If we think our lives are sad, impoverished, loveless, and desperate, that’s what we will see.  When we believe our lives are filled with negative people and emotions, that’s exactly what we will see and attract.

If you can look at your life as a gift, even the bad stuff, then you will begin to see the greatness of your life.  It won’t matter how much you have, you will always feel happy and blessed.  When you look for the bad in your life, you are sure to find it.  Everyone has “bad” in their lives, it’s what we do with the “bad” stuff that will set our course.

Are we going to grow from the negative, do we learn from our mistakes, are we grateful?  These are questions everyone should take the time to think about.  If you can honestly answer “Yes” to those questions, then you are on a path to believing, perceiving, and living a Great Life.

It is up to us to choose the path we will walk, what decisions we make, what steps we are willing to take to create the lives we dream of.  We are the ones who choose how we see ourselves AT THIS MOMENT.  If you see yourself surrounded by negativity it will drown you, and it will be that much more difficult to bring happiness into your life. 

If you work towards seeing positivity in your life, it will lift you up and make it that much easier to have more of the same greatness come your way.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

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