Thursday, February 28, 2013

Don’t Let Your Reasons Become Excuses!!!

                Good Morning Universe.  Let’s talk about the dreaded “E” word.  Ok…no one actually refers to “Excuses” as the dreaded “E” word, but maybe they should.  So often in my life I have felt that I had valid reasons to think, choose, and act in a specific way.  I had specific reasons for my behavior.

                The problem I realize today is that All Too Often what I thought was a perfectly good reason to think or act a specific way, led to a perfectly good excuse.

                Webster’s Dictionary defines reason as “a statement offered in explanation or justification,” or “the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways.”  It also includes “a rational ground or motive” as another definition.  These definitions are just a few examples of the proper context of the word reason.

                I am not one to argue with the Dictionary as to the proper meaning of a word, but I would like to put the first definition into the context of personal growth.  When you include justification into your reasoning it is the first step to “making excuses.”

                People explain themselves, their choices, and their actions every day, and it’s often a part of healthy communication with others.  So how can we stop making our reasons into our excuses?  How can we even be sure that our words and actions are based in reasons and not excuses?

                The biggest indicator that you are no longer explaining your reasons and have moved into making excuses, is how you feel?  When you are giving valid reasons for your thoughts and actions you aren’t going to feel guilty.

                When you start to make excuses there is usually a little voice inside your head telling you that you have to lie, embellish, or omit something important.  Often times when we make excuses the little voice inside our head is feeling guilty, or just a little off.
                Come on people it’s not brain surgery.  If it feels wrong, if it feels deceptive, if it feels negative then we are probably on the wrong path.  Start listening to that little voice in your head, start listening to your intuition, start listening to your heart.  If we are really listening we will know when our reasons have become excuses.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Explore...Exercise...Grow...Keep Moving Forward!!!

                Good Morning Universe…I am still so excited about my weekend of Exotic Animals and Hiking that I can’t seem to stop talking about it.  I may still be a little physically sore, but that’s OK WITH ME.  I Got Up, I Got Out, I Explored!!!

                This is one of those “Good Memories” that my father Jerry Brady is always talking about holding onto when negativity strikes.  I am not openly asking to have negative thoughts and emotions come into my mind, but I am sure it will happen at some point.

                When negativity does try to “sneak up on me” I will have more fuel to fight it off!!!  What is the best fuel to fight of negativity you may ask.  Well it’s happiness, contentment, smiling and laughter, pride, accomplishment, plus a whole host of other positive thoughts and feelings.

                Every GOOD THOUGHT, Every GOOD MEMORY, Every GOOD ACTION that you can draw on is the fuel you can use to fight off negativity.
                In the past I didn’t have any concept of a Good Memory.   I never took the time to truly appreciate and experience the Good Stuff.  I think it was because I was afraid.  I was afraid to expect happiness because I thought for sure it would disappear or that I didn’t deserve it.  I don’t believe that anymore.

                Sure some days I feel down, stressed, angry, anxious, or just plain negative…The difference is that now I have been practicing not letting that negativity hang around like an unwanted house guest!!!  Banishing the Negativity is a skill that can never be truly mastered until we acknowledge it and work on turning it into growth.

                You know what they say…Practice makes Perfect.  Well…We may not always be perfect, but we can always be practicing.  One thing practicing does do is it makes us better.  Keep Practicing, Keep Exercising, Keep Growing, and Keep Moving Forward!!!

Don't forget to check out The Elevate Institute's Website at 

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, February 25, 2013

Blaze New Trails!!!

                 Good Morning Universe, and what a BEAUTIFUL Morning it is.  I have had an Amazing weekend, and I am so filled with Gratitude.  This weekend was filled with EXERCISE….Both Mind and BODY!!!

                As many of you know I have been working hard to improve my health and fitness.  I am eating healthy and doing Regular Physical Workouts.  I have had great success on the scale and in scaling mountains!!!

                This weekend marks a new fitness goal met.  I did 2 different hikes in 2days.  Saturday I did a very strenuous hike and scramble at Kraft Mountain, I was out there for like 4-5 hours.  I felt every muscle in my body that day, and experienced some heavy huffing and puffing on the scramble. 

                Saturday night I was sore enough that I even considered not going on the hike yesterday (no scrambling just a 5 mile hike) but thankfully I didn’t let the fear of fatigue stop me. 

                I didn’t cancel my Sunday hike because I wasn’t afraid.  The “old me” would have just assumed that since I was sore that I wouldn’t be able to hike anymore.  I would have assumed that I was not fit enough to push myself. 

                I would have been ASSUMING WRONG!!!  I would have missed out on Another Wonderful and Amazing experience.  Not only did we hike but we went to an animal sanctuary before the hike, and I was able to interact with the most AMAZING ANIMALS and I got wonderful pictures, memories that I will cherish FOREVER!!!  I even held a SNAKE and A TARANTULA in my HAND!!!  I wasn’t afraid, it was amazing and not having that Fear was Beautiful!!!

                I didn’t let negativity and fear stop me from experiencing life, and it was an EXERCISE in Control and Faith.  I was able to control my emotions, I had faith in my fitness, and I didn’t assume the worst….In Fact I Assumed THE BEST and I was Right to Do So!!!

                I want to thank Dan, Cory, and Oscar for inviting me to go along on a wonderful adventure.  I want to thank all my friends and family who support me in person and online.  The positive feedback I get from others makes my accomplishments EVEN BETTER!!!

                Consider what you believe you can accomplish today then Go Out and Do It!!!  Failure is never permanent unless you never try.  Train your mind to remove all the roadblocks that say you can’t accomplish something.  Don’t just incorporate physical exercise into your routine, but begin to exercise control over your thoughts, emotions, and fears.  It’s Worth It!!!

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, February 22, 2013

Practicing Positivity and Banishing Negativity…Yes, It Does Take WORK!!!

                Good Morning Universe, let’s talk sports.  Yes, I said sports.  I am not going to be discussing any particular sport.   I want to discuss what people who play sports already know, and that is “it takes work to be at the top of your game.”

                I am not talking about just professional athletes.  I am talking about anyone with a passion to play…The weekend warrior, The Softball or Basketball League Players, The Tennis or Golf enthusiast. 

                Anyone who has a love for playing a sport or participating in anything athletic usually wants to be their best.  To achieve their personal best people have to practice, they have to put in The Work.

                Even people who are “born athletes” or are blessed with what the average person might consider unnatural skill” have to practice.  What I think most Athletes and Active people have in common is the desire to perform at their best.

                Just like with athletes we need to practice, practice positivity and if necessary a change in our perspective.  We need to work-out our minds.  We need to practice putting things around us in the proper perspective.

                Often times what people are most bothered by in their own lives can be changed by changing their perspective.  What people think about themselves, other people, and even their own lives are usually be reinforced by what they “see.” 

                If you think your life is crappy then that is how you will see everything.  If you think your life is filled with possibility then that is what you will see.  If you work to find joy every day (no matter how big or small) then that is what you will find.
                Changing our old patterns of thinking from “seeing the negative” to “Seeing The Positive” will take practice and effort, but IT IS WORTH IT.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Social Media can make Great Changes, Let’s Use it Wisely!!!

                Good Morning Universe, today I want to talk about social media.  You guys all know what social media is and how often people use it in today’s world, we use it A LOT.  Sites like Facebook and Twitter and all sorts of others I can’t think of right now.

                Chances are you are reading my blog directly from a link you got on Facebook or Twitter, and That is Great!!!  Social media is a powerful tool for communication.  It can link people from around the world.  It can help us reconnect with lost friends and family.  Information from around the world is shared at lightning speed.

                What we should be asking ourselves is…Are We Using This Tool Wisely?  What kind of interaction are you usually partaking in through social media?  Are you looking at cute and funny pictures?  Are you connecting with friends and family?  Are you reading inspirational stories and articles?  Are you being educated about important political, economic, social, and environmental issues?  Or are you using Social Media as a tool to spread negativity?

                I like to post things that are inspirational, funny, and beautiful.  I recently found a clip on my news feed about an upcoming documentary titled “Midway” by Chris Jordan.  This film is about an island in the pacific that is entirely populated by sea birds.  This film documents the trash in our oceans and the devastating impact on the sea and the creatures (especially birds) that are part of that ecosystem.

                It was difficult to watch and my eyes started to water when I saw the deceased birds and the Human Trash that they had ingested while they were alive, in fact that trash is probably what killed them.  I realized how often we jump on a “let’s fix this issue” bandwagon, but just don’t keep up.  Our planet, our Wildlife, our World is the only one we have so we have to protect it. 

                You don’t need to change your entire life to make an impact, just be educated and make some positive changes.  Don’t turn a blind eye to things you don’t want to see, Change Doesn’t Happen That Way.  What can you educated yourself about today that will impact our World tomorrow?

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stop Blaming and Start Loving!!!

“If we are constantly looking for what's wrong, if we are constantly trying to see how someone messed up - we miss the miracle and we miss the blessing that is his or her presence in our life.” –Mastin Kipp

                What a POWERFUL quote.  Just a few years ago a quote like this would have made me cringe!!!  I didn’t want to stop using blame as a tool to make the things that weren’t right in my life Anyone Else’s Fault But My Own. 

                If I was disrespectful and selfish to my family, it wasn’t my fault.  If I was consumed with my addictions it was because other people had hurt me.  The person who I overlooked all too often, was my mother, I was mad at her for not accepting my faults.  I missed out on how much LOVE SHE HAD FOR ME, for quite a few years.  I was selfish and inconsiderate to people who cared and I am Sorry.
                 I was so busy looking at the Negativity in myself and how other people were the reason for my unhappiness I WAS MISSING OUT ON LIFE.  I couldn’t be happy, or at least that was what I thought at the time.  I never stopped to think that with some Effort and True Desire I really did have the power to change.

                One of the main reasons I was drowning in negativity towards myself and others, was the Lack of Love I had for myself.  In fact on many occasions I hated myself.  I wasn’t ready to face what was wrong internally, so I put that blame on others.  That is no way to grow, it will only make you smaller.

                If I had love and respect for myself and the people around me then I would have been open to the miracles and blessings that LOVE can truly bring.

                I acknowledge that for many people LOVE has become just a word, it’s True Meaning is lost to us.  Love is something we “say” often but we don’t really “mean it.”  It’s not that we are lying when we say “I Love You” to ourselves or others, but we just don’t know what love means on the inside!!!

                We can all describe and define the word, but many of us lack the ability to describe the TRUE FEELING and EMOTION of love.  I know that I had no real concept of LOVE, because I didn’t know how it felt.  How could I, I had never felt that towards myself.

                As I continue to grow in a positive way, I am more aware that LOVE isn’t perfect.  I am more aware that LOVE starts within yourself.  I am more aware that everyone is deserving of LOVE and I am ready to have more of it!!!  Stop the Blame and Increase the Love!!!

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, February 15, 2013

Keep LOVING even though Valentine's Day is Over!!!

          Good Morning Universe…I LOVE YOU.  As you all know Valentine’s Day is officially over.  Some of you may be hung over, either from wine or chocolate.  While other people may have a sappy Love hangover from all the hearts posted on Social Media. LOL

          Personally I feel GREAT.  I didn’t have the conventional Valentine’s Day with dinner, flowers, wine, or even a date.  What I did have was a good day.  I was reminded of the importance of LOVE and the importance of LOVING Yourself. 

          This Valentine’s Day I didn’t sit around and feel sorry for myself for being alone.  This Valentine’s Day I celebrated the fact that I have more Self Love today, than I have ever had in the past.  It was awesome!!!

          Don’t get me wrong, I still would like to find a loving relationship with another person, but I no longer feel sad or different because I don’t have that right now.  I have EVERYTHING I Need and MORE Right Now!!!

          I have pride, forgiveness, happiness, great friends and family, and a desire to improve myself everyday.  I AM HAPPY and living a life FILLED WITH LOVE.  What could be better than that?

          What are some things that you have TODAY, RIGHT NOW that are the basis for Love in Your Life.  When you think of the things you have RIGHT NOW, don’t just think about other people or things.  Think about what YOU ARE RIGHT NOW and what You Love Right Now.

          Once you have a list of things You Love Right Now, keep those with you throughout the year.  If you start to “Lose that Lovin Feeling” then pull out the list of things you Love and REMEMBER!!!

To The Universe

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Patience is a Skill Worth The Practice!!!

                Patience is a skill and like with any skill, it needs to be practiced.  I have often thought that I was a patient person, though I believe that I have mistaken my lack of desire for patience.  I possess the ability to be patient on the outside, though my mind is often overtaken with anxiety.

                I have mentioned on numerous occasions that I have been stricken with doubt and anxiety.  These types of feelings are not something that coincide with patience.  If I truly had the skill of patience, I would be able to soothe my fears and keep negativity at bay.  If I truly had mastered the skill of patience I would not be preoccupied with thoughts of “WHAT MAY BE.”  Instead I would be able to think about WHAT IS.

                Living in the present, living with purpose, living today in order to make your tomorrow’s better is what I believe takes patience.  In today’s world we are so often given answers quickly.  

               If we have a problem with our television or internet, there is a call center technician available to help us almost immediately.  If we are bored we can find instant entertainment with television and the internet.  If we are lonely we can call our friends and family.  If we are hungry we go to a fast food drive thru.
                Everything in our society is trying to be faster, because most people lack patience.  We want it all, and we want it immediately.

                I am learning to be patient.  I know I need to practice keep exercising patience.  I know that the decisions and actions I make today will shape my future.  If I have patience I will be able to wait for my dreams to become a reality.  I can’t force The Universe to work on my timeframe.  The only thing I can do is continue to work for the future and practice patience.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, February 11, 2013

Choose To Believe

I Choose to BELIEVE

            Do you know the Universe is always talking to us, it’s just waiting for us to listen. The Universe is always offering us a path to our dreams.  We must keep our eyes and ears open so the Universe can guide us. 

An important thing to remember as we walk our path is that it is rarely a straight line.  The Universe gives us opportunities to alter our path to fit our needs all the time, whether it be daily or even hourly.  Don’t ignore these whispers just because they are coming at you fast, grab hold of your future because it starts today.

                Now don’t despair because the Universe isn’t yelling at you about your path daily.  If the Universe isn’t yelling at you every day, if you don’t see the signs of your future every hour don’t despair. 

                Remember the Universe doesn’t work on your timeframe.  The Universe will give you what you want and need at the opportune moment.  The Universe can see where you are going long before you can.  I had to surrender my path to the Universe today. 

It may seem small, but my scale may or may not have mislead me in regards to my weight loss last week.  At first I was upset not knowing which weight is right, but it doesn’t change my goals or my work ethic. 

I am still going to walk and hike regularly and watch what I eat.  Those things are good for me, and I don’t need immediate rewards because in the long run I’ll be rewarded.  The Universe has a timeframe for my health and I choose to Believe. 

Most Important is to Believe that what you want and need WILL COME.  The Universe will respond to your Belief, never give up, never stop believing, and the Universe WILL manifest a wonderful existence.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, February 8, 2013

I TALK TO MYSELF and I Answer Back!!!

                Good Morning.  If you were captivated by my title and admission that I “talk to myself” you might be wondering if I am saying Good Morning to myself, or to my readers.  The answer is BOTH.  I am here to say to all of you that “talking to yourself” can be good.

                Many times in my life I have talked to myself, I talk to myself on a regular basis.  Sometimes the conversations were based in sadness and anger, sometimes they were based in boredom, and other times they were Just Plain Silly.  No matter what I’m saying to myself, I realize it’s important.

                You may be wondering what’s so important and beneficial about talking to yourself.  Let’s see…First of all I believe you should be your own best friend.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t have other friends.  Friends and close relationships with other people are ABSOLUTELY Necessary to have a healthy and happy life.  What I am saying is that in order to be a good friend and a loving person with others, you need to start within yourself.

                Another benefit of talking to yourself is that you can work through sensitive issues with the person you trust the most, yourself.  Often times people are hesitant to share sensitive issues with others out of fear.  If we can talk to ourselves we can have a DRESS REHERSAL for sharing.  We can practice different ways of communication in safety.

                Yet another benefit of talking to yourself is LOVE…even more specific, self-love.  Loving yourself is of the utmost importance if you want to share in Positive Loving relationships with others.  If you can’t be alone or find something you like or love about yourself this is often a precursor to negative interactions with others. 

                Talking to yourself can be a valuable tool for growth.  Keep in mind that most TOOLS are guidelines and if not practiced properly can turn into Bad Habits.  Remember that talking to yourself is NOT a REPLACEMENT for interaction with other people.  Remember that if you dwell in negative Self-Talk it is not going to help you grow or work through things. 

                It’s ok to share your good and bad emotions, as long as you work towards a healthy balance.  Don’t pretend to be happy and perfect all the time, but work to keep from dwelling in negativity.

To The Universe

Thursday, February 7, 2013

To find your path...LISTEN

                The Universe never lets up. Do you know the Universe is always talking to us, it’s just waiting for us to listen. The Universe is always offering us a path to our dreams. We must keep our eyes and ears open so the Universe can guide us.

                An important thing to remember as we walk our path is that it is rarely a straight line. The Universe gives us opportunities to alter our path to fit our needs all the time, whether it be daily or even hourly. Don’t ignore these whispers just because they are coming at you fast, grab hold of your future because it starts today.

                Now don’t despair because the Universe isn’t yelling at you about your path daily. If the Universe isn’t yelling at you every day, if your not seeing the signs of your future every hour don’t despair. 

                Remember the Universe doesn’t care about YOUR TIMEFRAME, it’ll will give you what you want and need at the opportune moment. The Universe can see where you are going long before you can. Most Importantly is to have the BELIEF that what you want and need WILL COME.

                The Universe will respond to your Belief, never give up, never stop believing, and the Universe WILL manifest a wonderful existence.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Be an Active Participant in Your Life!!!

                Good Morning Universe, here’s to everyone showing up to their lives today.  Showing up isn’t just your physical presence.  Showing up to Your Life requires work.  If you want to live a happy and fulfilled life you HAVE TO BE AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT.   A great place to start is to search out people, places, and things that inspire you. 

You can create your own inspiration through activities like personal writings, poetry, and art.  You should have time set aside to share in the information a beauty created by others by reading and watching things that are based in positivity. 

Make these types of behaviors into your habits.  It can seem difficult with all the things we can engage in to pass our time.  Many times I have just wanted mindless entertainment, which can be enjoyable, but not if I base my life around it. 

Get Pumped about change, but stick with it!!!  I didn’t want to put in the effort or hear other people talk about The Power of Change because I wasn’t ready to commit.  I didn’t believe in myself and didn’t want to make positive use of my time. 

My habits were based in familiarity.  My habits were based in comfort.  My habits didn’t include time for positive self-reflection and growth.  My habits were basically formed by my Fear of Change.
Today I am INSPIRED by the positive habits I am forming.  I still experience Fear, but I now revel in overcoming that fear.  I am really starting to enjoy building a life from “good” desires and “positive” experiences.

What kinds of behaviors and habits do you participate in that are limiting your growth?  The first step to change is Acknowledging your negative behaviors and habits.  The first step is often the most difficult, but it’s the Best Gift you can Give Yourself!!!!

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

May you Always have ENOUGH!!!!

“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
 I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
 I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
 I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
 I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
 I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
 I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye."  -Author Unknown

                I read this beautiful poem on Facebook, and was truly touched.  These words got me thinking about how we wish the best for people around us all the time.  What is “The Best?”  What if our definition of “The Best” was simply shaped by our lives, good and bad.

                If you never experience bad times or negative emotions how can you expect to TRULY APPRECIATE the good things in life.  Life is contrast.  You can’t have a beautiful sunny day without the chilly darkened night.

                It is the things that we have overcome that make Success So SWEET!!!  If we were given everything on a silver platter, what kind of value would we give it?  I am pretty sure the value would be relatively low.

                I am not saying that I hope anyone has to experience Lack, Loss, Pain, or Sadness.  What I am saying is that it is helpful to remember that it is the “Not So Good Stuff” which makes us truly appreciate and value our lives.

                I try, and sometimes fail, to remember the blessings in my life when I am faced with the “Not So Good Stuff” or the downright “Really BAD Things.”  The one thing I know is that life never stays the same, we are always changing, and the Sun rises every morning to banish the darkness.  There is comfort in that certainty.

                I am a happy person today.  In the past I have been a miserable, selfish, and desperate person but I am truly blessed because I am still here.  Everyday isn’t perfect but every day “Is Enough.”   
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, February 4, 2013

How We See Ourselves is Our Reality!!!

“The truth is that we co-create our experience CONSTANTLY, as you believe, so will you perceive.”  Dave Elliott

How often does how we see our lives become our Actual Life?   I am pretty sure it’s Almost Always.  If we think our lives are sad, impoverished, loveless, and desperate, that’s what we will see.  When we believe our lives are filled with negative people and emotions, that’s exactly what we will see and attract.

If you can look at your life as a gift, even the bad stuff, then you will begin to see the greatness of your life.  It won’t matter how much you have, you will always feel happy and blessed.  When you look for the bad in your life, you are sure to find it.  Everyone has “bad” in their lives, it’s what we do with the “bad” stuff that will set our course.

Are we going to grow from the negative, do we learn from our mistakes, are we grateful?  These are questions everyone should take the time to think about.  If you can honestly answer “Yes” to those questions, then you are on a path to believing, perceiving, and living a Great Life.

It is up to us to choose the path we will walk, what decisions we make, what steps we are willing to take to create the lives we dream of.  We are the ones who choose how we see ourselves AT THIS MOMENT.  If you see yourself surrounded by negativity it will drown you, and it will be that much more difficult to bring happiness into your life. 

If you work towards seeing positivity in your life, it will lift you up and make it that much easier to have more of the same greatness come your way.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, February 1, 2013

Moments are Fuel for Your Future!!!

Good Morning Universe.  Another Friday is here to greet us, and I want to send everyone into the weekend with some thoughts about the Moments that Make Our Lives.

Many times in my life I have lived in Sadness, Anxiety, Stress, and a multitude of other negative emotions.  I dwelled on all the bad things in my life.  Whether it was a bad feeling, emotion, or action I let it creep into my daily existence.

I spent years focusing on what was wrong with my life.  What was wrong with my life was my perspective.  When I focused on all the Negativity in my life I began to live in Negativity.  I never saw happiness because how I viewed my life, is what turned into my Actual Life.

I realize how each moment that we hold onto is shapes us and our lives.  This afternoon I was petting our dog Annie and was filled with happiness, so I decided to make an effort to HOLD ON TO this memory for future use.  Next time I feel Negativity creeping in I have to focus on the Good Stuff, the Memories that I cherish will be the tools I use to combat the dreaded Negativity.

It sounds so simple, but it takes work.  It takes practice to change our patterns of thinking and our behaviors.  It takes WORK to recall those “happy moments, memories, or feelings” every time life gets you down.  It takes practice.

These days patience and practice seem like virtues that are in short supply.  Our culture is obsessed with convenience and entertainment at the push of a button or the click of a mouse.  In the information age we have forgotten that time heals, and that Life Is Not Always on Our Schedule.

We must walk through each moment towards our future, good or bad its part of life.  We can’t hop into a Delorean and go into the future.  We can’t skip the tough times because life lessons learned are important.  Besides if we could actually “fast forward” through life, it would be over WAY to Soon.

Hold on to the good moments, live in the present but never lose sight of your future.  Use the good moments as fuel to keep you going when you face negativity.  Let’s retrain our brains to remember the Good Stuff and Let Go of The Bad.

To The Universe
Love Brandy