Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Big Project….Don’t Know Where to Start…Just JUMP IN!!!

                I am scared today.  I am Intimidated today.  I am a little lost today.  Whew, now that I got that negativity out of the way I can FOCUS, right?  If it were only that easy to say your feelings out loud and then…Poof, they would disappear.  Oh well it was worth a try.

                Honestly my negativity hasn’t completely gone away, but I ACTUALLY do feel better having expressed my feelings out loud.  I know that those feelings are still inside me, but now that I have Acknowledged them I don’t have to dwell in them.

                If I am to move past my negative thoughts and emotions the first step is to acknowledge them, otherwise how can I Really Know what to work on.  Without acknowledgement the only other option is to bury my negativity, and BURYING NEGATIVITY is only a temporary fix.  When you Bury feelings they ALWAYS come back to Bite You in the BUTT, and they come back with a vengeance.

                Now that I have decided to JUST JUMP IN, I know that I am on the right track.  I wrote the first part of this blog a few days ago and two things have happened to reinforce my decision to JUMP IN.

                 First off this morning I was reading a Blog written by Jenna Hall posted on The Daily Love website where she said, “A way cannot be made if you do not move. If you wait until you are ready, you will never begin.”  BAM!!!!  That hit me like a ton of bricks, procrastination can be the killer of our dreams.  Fear of not being perfect can COMPLETELY Stop us from moving forward, from creating, from living our dreams.

                I used to live in FEAR and ANXIETY about the “what if’s” in my life and I was stuck and unhappy.  A path cannot be made if you do not move. If you keep waiting until you are Absolutely Sure Everything is Perfect, you may never begin.  Now I constantly strive to MOVE, maybe I won’t always be moving forward, maybe i’ll stumble and fall, BUT I WILL ALWAYS BE MOVING.

                The second reason I KNOW I am on the right track is that the writer’s block that kept me COMPLETELY STAGNANT over the weekend, has lifted.  I have been creating not only my Blog but making good progress with content creation for The Elevate Institute’s Mastering Love program.  I JUMPED IN to the project I am dedicated to and I have been rewarded.

                What projects, tasks, desires, and dreams have you been putting off for FEAR of Jumping IN?  If you don’t feel comfortable JUMPING IN, are you willing to at least step forward into your future?

To The Universe
Love Brandy  

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