Tuesday August 21,
Have you
every stopped to ask yourself if you believe in your personal potential? Do you believe in your heart that you can
live your dreams? Even more important,
do you believe you deserve to live the life of your dreams? These questions are very important to ask yourself,
and your answers will tell you if you are being guided by the Universe
Universe wants us to live a life filled with positivity, but will put up road
blocks to ensure you are willing to put in the work. The Universe isn’t going to give us
everything we want unless we are willing to commit and put in the work. Yes, we deserve happiness, but The Universe
knows that people often don’t appreciate or truly enjoy things that come to
Universe doesn’t want us to be lazy, because as I’ve said before being lazy and
apathetic is not TRULY living. The
Universe doesn’t want us to just exist, it want us to THRIVE. I simply EXISTED for years before I started
on a path to find out what the Universe had for me.
Most of
the mistakes I’ve made in my life, like drugs, jail, dysfunctional
relationships (the list goes on) were simply because I didn’t want to put in
the effort. I didn’t want to give up
what seemed easy to me. I surrounded
myself with people who didn’t treat me the way I wanted to be treated because I
didn’t have the courage or self-esteem to go out into the world alone.
If we
settle for circumstances that we believe we have no control over, it’s the
first step in setting aside the dreams and desires we have for the future. If we want to be happy and Live in Love, we
must not settle. We must stop simply Existing
and step out in faith. When we step forward
into our future and BELIEVE in it, the Universe will guide us to a life that we
could only dream of before.
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