Monday, March 25, 2013

Decisions Aren't Always Going To Be Easy

             Decisions are not easy.  Many times I find myself questioning if I am making the right choices which will bring me the happiness and security I desire.  I know I am not alone in questioning my decisions.  The difficulty comes with trying to stick to the choices I have made, or fall backwards into what I KNOW and what is easier.
               Last year I moved to a new city and for a long time I was Really Missing my friends and family.  My hometown is where I fought through my addictions, my apathy, and my sadness.  Though my hometown is where I grew up, where my most of my family and friends live, where I KNOW I will always have a place, and where I have re-invented myself before.
               I have already made the decision to stay in my new city, and have finally begun to feel at home here.  Originally I had to force myself to believe that once I had made the decision to stay my doubts would dissipate.  I can honestly say that the doubts I had last year have mostly disappeared, and I am So Grateful and Happy.
                Today I realize that doubt is natural.  Doubt is The Universe testing me.  My doubt doesn’t mean I made the wrong choice, it means the Universe wants to be sure that I am Completely Committed to moving forward on my path.
               When negative emotions and thoughts like doubt enter my mind I must work hard to control the negativity in my heart and mind.  This kind of control over my negative thoughts takes work.  The work that is required will be rewarded.  I know that everything worth having will take work and I am ready to put in the effort.
               As much as I wish serious change was always easy, I know that when I come out the other side the trials and difficult choices I have been faced with makes my joy even sweeter.  My goal is to stay on the path that The Universe guides me down.  I must constantly evaluate my choices and what influences them in order to allow myself an abundance of Happiness, Love, and Security.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

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