Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Growing Past Negativity

Tuesday October 16th

I am grateful today, the Universe has given me what I asked for. It was small, but necessary.  I asked to have my sadness and doubts lessened, I have felt some relief from those feelings today. 

I have been experiencing negative thoughts and emotions recently and am working on getting past the negative so I can learn from what I’ve been feeling.  It is through reflection that I will grow, by asking the Universe for guidance I know I will transform my thoughts and emotions into positive action.

Having said that I know the negativity I am experiencing is part of my growth, I won’t lie and tell you I’m enjoying it. I wish my negativity could be turned off like a light switch.  From what I have learned about the Law of Attraction and The Universe I know that my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs won’t get my what I desire. 

I must grow past seeing only the negative and try to find my Happy, my Desires, and my Path.  I know the Universe can give me everything I want, but I have to persevere and show the Universe and myself that I believe.  Belief is half of being and if I don’t believe I deserve the things I want then I ‘m not ready, I’m not surrendered.

When I surrender the outcome to the Universe and truly believe, that’s when it will happen.  I have belief, but maybe not enough faith.  Either way I need to keep working, keep searching, and keep my eyes and heart open.  When I am ready to receive, it will be given.

To The Universe

Love Brandy

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