Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Decisions from the Heart

Tuesday July 31, 2012 
            Today I am grateful and that gratitude came from listening to my heart.  Making decisions based on what’s best for yourself, others around you, and for the Universe is completely satisfying.  I realize that so many times I have made decisions based out of fear.  Many of those decisions were negative, selfish, and led me down a destructive path.  Though I also have come to realize that many decisions I have made that seemed positive, were still based in fear.  I wasn’t listening to myself or the Universe.
            Let me explain, I am currently working for my father helping him realize his dream for the Elevate Institute.  He wants to bring the Law of Attraction to others without cost.  I know it’s possible because he’s brought the Law of Attraction into my life and it’s been absolutely wonderful.  The dilemma I was having was how to be productive without having what I would consider a normal hourly or salaried job.  Those kind of positions are guaranteed and I have always done well with that.  Having said that, my “needs” are being met and I am happy.  I don’t have a lot of money, but I realize I don’t need much money right now.  The things I need, and many of the things I want, are in my life today.  I am happy.
            I was offered an opportunity to become involved with an MLM, which is multi-level marketing.  I researched this opportunity and realized sales and marketing is something I don’t enjoy.  Though the financial rewards can be good, it’s not something I want to do, and it’s not something I would enjoy.  If you don’t enjoy what you do it’s really difficult to be good at it, and can often negatively impact other aspects of your life.  I had the courage to say no, and once I did I KNEW I made the right decision.  It felt right inside to say no.  My future is still uncertain, but what is certain is that I am on the right path.  I know because I FEEL it inside, and what I feel inside right now is GREAT.
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, July 30, 2012

Circumstance or Reaction?

Monday July 30th
            I have been in a creative rut for days, or at least that’s how I saw it.  Though, if I look more closely at the situation I am able to see it differently.  Last week I had an abcessed tooth, which caused me a lot of pain and my cheek swelled up like a chipmunk.  After I had the tooth removed I spent the next few days in pain, happy I would soon be better but whiny because I was still in pain.  Today I am thankful I feel much better and if I look back I can view my lack of writing as a Circumstance or a Reaction.
            If I sat here today and let my thoughts turn negative or see my lack of creativity as failure then that is a reaction, and an unproductive one at that.  That type of reaction will not help me get back on track.  That type of reaction will only cause me to extend my current situation.  Now, if I choose to see my lack of creativity as a Circumstance that simply resulted from a medical procedure and therefore is completely normal and expected.  Well that thought is what has helped me get back to Believing, then Knowing, that I would get back on track with my writing. 
            Now look at me, I’m writing.  Some people will like what I have to say and some people won’t, but I feel good to be doing it again.  Those good feelings are going out into The Universe and I know they will come back to me.  I know that my positive thoughts and feelings will bring more Positivity back into my life.  It’s like KNOWING the check is in the mail and it will be awesome.  I feel like I already have the things I want and its THOSE FEELINGS that make life worth living.  It’s not the things you have that bring you happiness, but how you FEEL about the things you have.   How can you feel good about what you have today, no matter how small?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stepping out in Faith

Wednesday July 25, 2012
       OK Universe I’ve stepped out in faith and have been happy to receive multiple affirmations that I’m on a positive path.  I have been in a new town for about 6 weeks now.  I don’t know many people except my father, who I am finally getting to know.  I have moved past difficult years of painful abuse by my father, mostly mental, in order to start over.  I made a pact with myself to try, because I’ve grown to realize that no one is perfect.  I realized that blaming my father for my mistakes was just a cop out.  I made the choices that led me to where I am today.
      Now I am here in Vegas, and have spent more time with my father in the past 6weeks, then I have spent with him in the previous 36 years of my life.  Today I KNOW that I made the right decision to come here.  I understand that it was a risk, I didn’t know 6 weeks ago that things would be different this time.  The only thing I did know is that I wasn’t happy in Sacramento.  I was so scared it would be like every other time I had ever spent time with my father.  I kept thinking he would break my heart again and make me feel worthless.  Thankfully the Universe spoke to me and asked me to try again. 
       My father, like me, had been lost before.  I realized that in MY Adulthood I have made many mistakes and caused my family pain.  It was only from my pain and mistakes that I became willing to give my father another chance.  I stepped out in faith to see what would happen.  The main difference was that I decided not to put my expectations into our new relationship.  That way if he was the SAME Person, I wouldn’t be so shocked and hurt. 
    Thanks to the Universe, he was different and more loving then I have known my whole life.   I am so blessed, but I do realize that I can no longer base my life on how others treat me.  I must learn to love and appreciate myself, and if others in my life can’t do the same I must let them go until they are ready to give me the respect and love I deserve.  I WILL no longer make excuses for people who harm me.  I Will no longer use the pain in my life to excuse my own bad choices. I Will expect the same amount of LOVE from others that I give to them.  I AM FREE to have Enormous amounts of LOVE and RESPECT from the people in my life.  Today my Smiles and my Happiness ARE REAL.  Every day I see and receive more love from my father and in that love I see evidence of the Universe at work.
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, July 23, 2012

Are you stuck in the past?

            I am at peace today, and I can honestly say its from the inside out.  Just a few months ago if I looked at my life it made me extremely sad.  I felt unworthy, stuck, and pathetic for a woman in her thirties.  Today I was just relaxing while listening to music when it hit me, Life is Great and I’M making it that way.  I don’t have the things I want from my life, but I Absolutely KNOW I WILL. 
            Let me give you a little background to catch you up.  I am in my thirties, i’m single and have lived with family members for quite a few years, much of the time without a bedroom of my own.  I am a recovering drug addict, a felon, and have suffered with severe insomnia, anxiety, depression, and low self esteem for years.  Those things on there own are sad for me to admit out loud because I have always been worried people will judge me.  Though I now realize that no one can ever judge me as harshly as I judge myself, though it’s still difficult sometimes to get over my past.  The only way to overcome the past is to BELIEVE that you deserve better, then Ask for it, Expect it, Plan for it, and Receive it.  That’s how the Universe will take my attitude adjustment and enhance my life.
            I am so excited these days to be on a path that is filled with joy, beauty, love, and belief in my wonderful future.  I still have times when I get sad or dwell on ALL my past mistakes, but those times are getting easier to get through.  I am so grateful that the Universe is working in my life, and that I am Working With The Universe to give me the life I want and need.
            Are you stuck in the past?  Have you been able to start forgiving yourself and others for the things that hold you back?  Ask yourself what you need to move on from so you can have the life you want.  Ask yourself as often as you can.  Then put the past behind you.  Don’t forget the lessons of the past, just focus on the present and how you see your future.  Then tell the Universe what you want in your future, stay positive and believe.  The Universe will provide you with a life that will give you pride, joy, love, and the things you want and need.
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Friday, July 20, 2012

Never Say Never

Friday July 20th, 2012          
            Some words in the English language have immense power and everybody knows them, but how many people realize the immense power contained in our most common words.  I have found that the word Never has such a great and often destructive power over our lives.  Never can ruin our hopes and dreams, it can tell us how to live our lives, and it can ruin our self esteem.  I didn’t realize that this one word was holding me back from happiness.  As long as the word Never constantly crossed my lips I would Never see my dreams into fruition.  Never was one of the most common words in my vocabulary, and it held true in my life.  I believed in Never with all my heart, and guess what, I never found my happiness. 
            Today my constant Never thoughts are in my past, but I must remember to keep an eye out for Never.  If I am not vigilant and working with the Universe on my path, Never will slither back into my brain like a serpent.  When you say “Never” you are giving it power because you are focusing on it.  Now that you are focused on Never having what you want, that is exactly what the Universe is going give you.  Concentrating on the “Never” in your life is actually bringing more of that to you.
            Reversing your attitude of “Never” is simple but takes practice.  Every time you feel that you are Never going to have what you want and need, Stop.  Take the thought captive and substitute the Never for something like, ALWAYS.   Then you can Always be happy, you can Always be prosperous, you can Always love yourself, and you can ALWAYS have all the things you want and need.  Don’t let your negative thoughts overrun your common sense, we all know that you should……Never Say Never.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Unleash Your HAPPY

Thursday July 19th          
            Do you know how to “Unleash Your Happy?”  It’s a question I’ve never really asked myself.  I am so used to concentrating on the bad or even just the average.  Happy had seemed to me to be a blessing, not something I could expect and have every moment or even every day.  Don’t get me wrong when I say happy, I mean REAL HAPPY.  Not the happy we pretend to be to get by, or so people won’t question and worry about us.  I’m talking about the kind of happiness that is contagious and can’t be hidden.  When you have an abundance of Real Happy it overflows from you, into others, into the Universe, and all the way back around to you again.  It’s a constant waterfall of good feelings that can keep you sustained for your entire life.
            You probably want to know how to find your Real Happy.  Well it’s simple to start with, just try smiling.  It may feel a little awkward at first but don’t give up.  The more you smile for no specific reason the more contagious it will become.  Not only will you begin to feel happy, but the Universe will feel your Real Happy.  It will respond to you and start sending you actual events and people to reinforce your Real Happy.
            If you have trouble finding your Real Happy, try looking backwards.  Remember a time when you felt good, I know it can be difficult for some people but keep trying.  A good place to start is when you were young.  Even people with difficult childhoods have the ability to tap into the innocence and simplicity of being a kid.  Pretend you are little again, back when the simple things were amazing.  I thought a Rubik’s Cube was cool when I was tiny, and the video games when I was small were so simple yet SO Amazing.  I loved pretending with my friends, I still love pretending.  What can you do today to unleash your Real Happy?  Remember any Happy, no matter how small, is a Great start.  Practice Happy every day and eventually it will always be with you.

To The Universe
Love Brandy

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Do you practice Gratitude?

Wednesday July 18th
Are you grateful?  Do you realize how important gratitude is in your life?  I can say that today I am more grateful for all the things in my life then I have ever been.  This does not mean that I have lots of “things”, it means I realize the importance of what I have and I am not giving importance to what I don’t have.  Basically I appreciate whatever I have and realize that if I obsess about the things I want, and don’t have, they won’t ever come.  You have to appreciate what you have to show the Universe that you are ready for more.  When you appreciate what you have, not just physical possessions, but emotions, people, even the oxygen you breathe, you are showing the Universe gratitude.  You are coming from a place of love and abundance, not from a place of fear and lacking.
    If you want to manifest wonderful things in your life, practice appreciating what you have now.  And try to realize that you can appreciate some of the things you may think are negative in your life.  If you can take something negative and twist it around to envision how it can make you a stronger better person, you will manifest that change.  You don’t have to know exactly how to change the negative to positive, though you MUST believe that it will change for the better.  Belief is ABSOLUTELY necessary for manifestation.  Remember that wishing and hoping is not manifesting, because wishing and hoping is not something you absolutely see and know is in your future.  When you truly believe you will have what you want and need, when you can envision what you want and you KNOW it will be yours, That’s Manifestion.
    Trust in the Universe, because it’s not out to get you.  The Universe isn’t trying to make your life worse.  The Universe inherently wants to give you what you want and need.  The only thing the Universe asks in return for this loving generosity, is belief.  What can you BELIEVE in today?  Don’t hope for it, KNOW it will be yours.  Now sit back, with patience, and watch the amazing workings of the Universe.
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Monday, July 16, 2012

Leaving it up to "The Universe"

Monday July 16th
Do you know how to “Leave It Up To The Universe?”  I didn’t know how to believe that if I told the Universe what I wanted it would just come.  I was sure I had to have a perfect plan mapped out to achieve everything I was asking of the Universe.  It seems that’s what we are supposed to do. Otherwise how can we be working towards what we want if we’re just Waiting Around For It.  Well there is a distinction to be had between having a plan, which is important, and being able to bend “your plan” when The Universe speaks to you. 
            A plan is just that, “A Plan” and plans just like our minds, are made to change and to alter when needed.  Think of it like this, when constructing a building the first step is to have an architect draw plans.  It is necessary to have these plans as a basis for the building, but that doesn’t mean the plans may not have be altered.  They may have to be altered because the building needs different structural support depending on landscape and ground conditions.  This does not mean that the house will look different when it’s finished, it only means adjustments need to be made for the environment.  This is the same thing as planning your life and asking for what you want, but being able to listen to the Universe and make when adjustments when necessary.  It’s that simple.
            You have to believe in every fiber of your being that what you want and ask of the Universe will come to you. Though you have to listen for the guidance of the Universe along the way.  You are the Architect and The Universe if your paying attention and working with it, will the construct your life according to your desires and designs.  It requires faith in yourself, the Universe, and little bit of flexibility when necessary.  Never give up, if you fall you must try to get up and the Universe will be there to give you a hand.  If you fall and never try to get up, that’s where you’ll stay because the Universe can’t do all the work for you.  Every step forward is a step towards happiness and every fall is a learning lesson.
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Belief is Being

     Wow, the Universe never lets up.  Do you know the Universe is always talking to us, it’s just waiting for us to listen.  The Universe is always offering us a path to our dreams.  We must keep our eyes and ears open so the Universe can guide us.  An important thing to remember as we walk our path is that it is rarely a straight line.  The Universe gives us opportunities to alter our path to fit our needs all the time, whether it be daily or even hourly.  Don’t ignore these whispers just because they are coming at you fast, grab hold of your future because it starts today.
    Now don’t despair because the Universe isn’t yelling at you about your path daily.  If the Universe isn’t yelling at you every day, if your not seeing the signs of your future every hour don’t despair.  Remember the Universe doesn’t care about YOUR TIMEFRAME, it’ll will give you what you want and need at the opportune moment.  The Universe can see where you are going long before you can.  Most Importantly is to have the BELIEF that what you want and need WILL COME.  The Universe will respond to your Belief, never give up, never stop believing, and the Universe WILL manifest a wonderful existence.
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Turning Your Fear into GROWTH

FEAR, what a scary word.  Did you know that fear is an evolutionary trait and that most intelligent species (including humans) have used fear to evolve.  Fear is an instinct that has been developed to protect us.  I know that fear is important, but that it is also a most destructive trait.  Don’t Fear too much, I think that’s the real lesson I want to impart.
            When we let our natural of instincts of fear override our lives and thoughts, we will never truly live.  If fear runs our lives we can NEVER experience what the Universe has in store for us.  If we turn tail and run away every time we are fearful, that will become our norm.  Every new experience would be wrought with anxiety for fear of how it will turn out.  This Fear would in turn rule our lives and prevent happiness and light from entering our souls.
            The trick is to find out which fears are necessary and which fears need to be examined and thrown away.  Try thinking of our fears as instinct, not reaction.  We all know that humans have instincts that are good and bad. But society has taught us how to control and use our instincts to better ourselves and those around us.  For instance, our instinct when we are hungry is to eat.  But to fit into our society we don’t just walk up to another person and take their food, simply because we are hungry. (that’s something Cavemen did, right)  So why can we control our “hunger” instincts but believe we can’t control our fear.  We Can Control and Use our Fears to Grow.
            It’s a slow process but to grow you must acknowledge your fears and shed the belief that everything bad you fear will happen to you.  If you can’t shed your fear and negative belief, it could be exactly where you are heading.  The Universe gives you what you concentrate on most, it doesn’t judge if you think its good or bad.  Try to take your fear captive and turn it into something positive, something beautiful, or just dismiss it altogether.  The less fear you have in your heart, the more room you have for happiness and love to grow in your heart.
To The Universe
Love Brandy

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Don't be "Down in the Dumps"

July 7th, 2012
            I hate to say I’m down in the dumps again, but I can’t lie to the universe.  OK, I think “down in the dumps” might be a little harsh for today.  Though I will admit recent events have made the future blurry.  No matter what comes up for me I’ve never waivered on a few things.  One of those things has been school, I have always believed that to be successful I MUST get my college degree.  I have believed this so whole heartedly that I can’t seem to see past it, or at least see through it so I can envision my future.  It’s more of society’s programming, we all know that everyone says the best chance to be successful is with education.  But after our required education (i.e. high school) when did college become a must. Why is my belief that I can only have the life I want with college so ingrained in my brain.
            I am not saying that college isn’t wonderful, that it doesn’t enrich one’s life.  It definitely is an advantage in the workplace, but does that mean that those who for one reason or another don’t get a college degree aren’t or can’t be successful. No, it doesn’t mean that.   What I am trying to say is that as I walk my path more aware of where I want to be, I realize maybe I’m not really looking at where I’m going or listening to the whispers of the Universe.  I’m trying to force the Universe to bend to what I want.  When I try to force the Universe it means I’m not behaving out of love, instead it’s my fear with a little sense of entitlement for seasoning.
            I am told you can manifest anything you want in life.  But the more I explore and listen to the words of others I see that the things that come to you may look different then what you asked for.  Does that mean the Universe isn’t listening to what you want or need.  NO, and if you believe the universe isn’t listening you’ve already given up.  The Universe is smarter then us, and maybe it can see not only what we say we want, but it can see what we need.
            I must trust the Universe to give me EVERYTHING I want and need, just not necessarily on my time table.  The Universe will only respond to my true belief, not me stomping my feet like an angry toddler.  Do you believe, or are you an entitled toddler?  Neither answer is wrong, but if you can’t figure out where you are right now, how can you ever get to where you want to be?

Love Brandy

Friday, July 6, 2012

Is the Universe Listening to Me

July 6th 2012
            Hello universe, are you listening?  Cause if you are it feels like your stepping on me, like an unwanted bug.  I have a feeling that negativity will come back to haunt me, at least if all this stuff about what we put out, we get back, is true.  But coming from someone new to this, its hard to understand the pain.  Logically I know that pain and negativity won’t bring me happiness, but that doesn’t mean its easy to change my brain and how it operates.  I have 36years of the old way of thinking, and trust me its easy that way. 
Why does everybody, including me, think “It’s just not fair.”  Who ever told me life would be fair, no one specifically.  I think I’ve been brainwashed my movies, books, and tv to think that happy endings are something we can expect.  No one watches sad endings all the time, sometimes we like a “good cry”, but only if it’s VERY temporary.  Why is it that in times of destitude and sadness its SO hard to see anything good.  My logic tells me there is always someone worse off then me somewhere, but my heart never seems to agree.
Right now I’m trying to let the negative go, and its working a little.  But if you’ve been reading its obvious I’m still holding onto something.  My brain says “stop thinking about it if you want it to go away”, the rest of me says “whatever, you know its not that easy.”  What if I really believed it was “That Easy” to let it go, I bet you the bad feelings would be much farther from me now.
As long as I’m searching for ways to heal the past by making my future I believe things will be better.  Even if I have to remind myself 50 times a day, it will be true. I can’t have what I want for my future, if I am always living in my past.

To The Universe
Love Brandy